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The SETU LGBT+ Staff Network Vision Statement: 

We want SETU to be a safe environment where the LGBT+ community are visible, proud, included, and pro-actively working towards positive change.

The SETU LGBT+ Staff Network Mission Statement: 

The LGBT+ Staff Network is a welcoming, inclusive and a proud change-driven community. Staff members and postgraduate students who identify as LGBT+, together with our allies, will work to inspire SETU to embrace diversity and create an environment where everyone feels safe and equally valued.

The SETU LGBT+ Staff Network will operate from the following Guiding Principles, Ethos and Values:

  1. Supporting visibility, diversity and inclusion in the workplace and learning environment.
  2. Breaking down barriers and prejudices to ensure a safe environment for all.
  3. Welcome and empower our allies to contribute to the changes we seek.
  4. Ensure inclusive practices are in place and implemented.
  5. Listen to, acknowledge and accept peoples' lived experiences.
  6. Deal with conflict and challenge in a positive, solution-focused way.
  7. Continue to work towards an understanding of intersectionality.
  8. Be an ally to others who experience inequality and exclusion.
  9. Be positive role models for all in the workplace and learning environment.
  10. Be a voice for positive change.
  11. Challenge prejudice in relation to transphobia, homophobia and biphobia.

Launch of LGBT+ Staff Network