As set out in the Strategic plan Connecting for Impact 2023-2028, SETU has ambitious objectives to increase research funding expenditure, capacity, and capability. The Research Office is the first point of contact for queries regarding research and innovation funding for national and international funding agencies.
- SETU has a competitive track record in the obtention of competitive research and innovation funding from both national and European funding bodies. SETU had the highest drawdown among Institutes of Technology and Technological Universities under Horizon 2020. SETU currently has the highest funding drawdown in this sector under Horizon Europe.
- SETU coordinates several large grants including IrelandQCI, GRASS Ceiling, NGI Transoceanic, DUCA and COALESCE. SETU is also a partner in significant awards including AI-DAPT, SEALabHaus and IMAGINE B5G. SETU has historically been successful in securing significant investment in infrastructure through Enterprise Ireland’s capital equipment call and SFI’s Research Infrastructure awards.
- SETU has also been successful under the Environmental Protection Agency’s Competitive Research Call, recently securing two awards, Cúpla Trá and GRaDE, which allows our talented researchers to further their important, societal relevant and interdisciplinary work in the areas of climate change and the environment.

Resources for Researchers
Training is provided on demand and tailored to individual needs. Examples of training provide include grant writing, support with impact sections, Gantt charts and Data management plans.

Funding Opportunities
The Research Office can guide researchers across all disciplines and career stages in sourcing funding for their research. The Research Office offers advice on finding a suitable funding source, pre-proposal preparation, submission guidelines and advising on all administrative procedures.
Contact us
For queries relating to research funding programmes, the support available, events and training please contact the research support offices across campuses.