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Comeragh Vets' final year project poster award for BSc in Agriculture students

Number of places: 2

Monetary value: €100

Point of contact name: Tony Woodcock

Point of contact email: [email protected]

Scholarship Overview

In year three of the level 7 BSc in Agriculture course, students produce a final year project where they present a poster which summarises the work they have done on the project. This is an excellent opportunity for students to articulate their research findings to fellow students and to academic staff.

This will be the third year that Comeragh Vets have sponsored our final year project poster award. The two students who are deemed to have conducted the best research, who produce the best posters and who speak about their projects most knowledgably win the prize. We are very grateful to Chris McGrath and everyone at Comeragh Vets for their ongoing support.

Apart from the monetary prize, the winning students can put this award on their CV which is a great point of differentiation when they are applying for jobs and in their future careers.