Ondrej Kucera is an electrical engineer turned biophysicist. He studies self-organisation and dynamic behaviour in living and life-like synthetic systems, with a particular interest in cytoskeletal protein polymers. His approach integrates engineering, experimental techniques, biochemistry, data processing, and computer modelling. Ondrej has contributed to over 20 studies, including recent work on the emergence of structural memory in cytoskeletal composites (Kucera et al., PNAS 2022), myosin-independent contractility in actin networks (Kucera et al., Nature Communications 2021), and microtubule stabilisation by compressive forces (Li et al., Nature Materials 2023). He has received the Siemens Excellence Award and is a frequent speaker at international conferences. Ondrej serves as an Associate Editorial Board Memberat Cytoskeleton journal (Willey).
Before joining SETU, Ondrej worked at the Czech Academy of Sciences and the French Atomic Energy Commission and had the privilege of learning from and working with leading figures in the field of cytoskeleton: Michal Cifra, Zdenek Lansky, Laurent Blanchoin, and Manuel Théry.
At SETU, Ondrej supervises and mentors students at all qualification levels. He also teaches introductory and advanced modules in Pharma, Bioengineering, and Electronics.
Potential students interested in working on a research project under Ondrej's supervision should contact Ondrej directly by e-mail.
Previous Teaching Experience
Université Grenoble Alpes, France (2021-2022)
Charles University, Prague, Czechia (2017-2018)
Czech Technical University in Prague, Czechia (2017-2019)
Cytoskeletal networks
The cytoskeleton is a dynamic network of protein polymers essential for processes like cell motility, transport, and division. We study how cytoskeletal networks self-assemble and self-organise in response to biochemical, geometric, and physical conditions, focusing on the feedback loops that govern these processes. Our research provides insights into cellular behaviour and has applications in both biology and the development of synthetic, life-like systems.
Selected references
Kučera, O.* - Gaillard, J. - Guérin, Ch. – Utzschneider, C. – Théry, M. - Blanchoin, L.: Actin architecture steers microtubules in active cytoskeletal composite, Nano Letters, vol. 22, no. 21, 2022, p. 8584–8591. (link)(preprint)
Kučera, O.* - Gaillard, J. - Guérin, Ch. - Théry, M. - Blanchoin, L.: Actin-microtubule dynamic composite forms responsive active matter with memory, PNAS, vol. 199, no. 31, 2022, p. e2209522129. (fulltext)
Kučera, O. - Shiahaan, V. - Janda, D. - Dijkstra, D.H. - Pilátová, E. - Žatecká, E. - Diez, S. - Braun, M. - Lánský, Z.: Anillin propels myosin-independent constriction of actin rings, Nature Communications, vol. 12, 2021, p. 4595. (fulltext)
Microtubule lattice
Microtubules are protein polymers formed by tubulin dimers, which organise into a precise lattice structure, giving microtubules their characteristic cylindrical shape and functional properties. Our research focuses on how the biochemical and physical properties of tubulin within this lattice are shaped by the cellular environment, and, in turn, how these properties contribute to shaping that environment. By studying the dynamic interactions at the lattice level, we aim to uncover how these processes regulate the biological functions of microtubules, offering deeper insights into their role in cellular organisation.
Selected references
Li, Y. - Kučera, O. - Cuvelier, D. - Rutkowski, D.M. - Deygas, M. - Rai, D. - Pavlovič, T. - Nunes Vicente, F. - Piel, M. - Giannone, G. - Vavylonis, D. - Akhmanova, A. - Blanchoin, L. - Théry, M.: Compressive forces stabilize microtubules in living cells, Nature Materials, vol. 22, 2023, p. 913–924. (link)(preprint)
Havelka, D. - Deriu, M.A. - Cifra, M. - Kučera, O.*: Deformation Pattern in Vibrating Microtubule: Structural Mechanics Study Based on an Atomistic Approach, Scientific Reports, vol. 7, 2017. (fulltext)
Havelka, D. - Cifra, M. - Kučera, O.*: Multi-mode electro-mechanical vibrations of a microtubule: In silicodemonstration of electric pulse moving along a microtubule. Applied Physics Letters. 2014, vol. 104, no. 24, p. 243702 (1-4). (link)
Photonic biosignals
We investigate biological autoluminescence, the light emitted by living matter as a result of radiative decay of high-energy by-products of cellular metabolism. Our work focuses on deciphering the properties of this emission, debunking persistent misconceptions in the scientific literature, and exploring the potential of this phenomenon to reveal insights into cellular processes. We envision the development of a new generation of analytical and diagnostic tools that harness biological autoluminescence, with applications across various medical fields.
Selected references
Cifra, M. - Brouder, Ch. - Nerudová, M. - Kučera, O.: Biophotons, coherence and photocount statistics: A critical review. Journal of Luminescence, vol. 164, 2015, p. 38-51. (link)
Kučera, O. - Cifra, M.: Cell-to-cell signaling through light: just a ghost of chance? Cell Communication and Signaling. 2013, vol. 11, no. 87, p. 1-8. (fulltext)
Researcher - Interdisciplinary Research Institute of Grenoble/CEA, France (2019-2022)
Associate Scientist - Institute of Biotechnology, BIOCEV Centre, Czech Academy of Sciences, Vestec, Czechia (2016-2019)
Postdoctoral Fellow - Institute of Photonics and Electronics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czechia (2013-2016)
Teaching and Supervision
Université Grenoble Alpes, France (2021-2022)
Charles University, Prague, Czechia (2017-2018)
Czech Technical University in Prague, Czechia (2017-2019)
Academic Visits
Carlos III Health Institute and the University Hospital Ramon y Cajal, Madrid, Spain (2016)
Nano Characterization Unit, National Institute for Material Sciences (NIMS), Tsukuba, Japan (2013)
Dept. of Physics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway (2011)
PhD. in Electrical Engineering Theory, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czechia (2012)
MSc. in Biomedical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czechia (2008)
Professional Diploma in Project Management, University College Dublin Professional Academy, Ireland (2023)