Vacancies at SETU
All vacancies are advertised through our online recruitment system. All applications must be submitted via this system. We no longer accept applications through email. To review all current vacancies please click on 'Search' within the recruitment system. Existing SETU employees must log in via Core Portal to apply for vacancies.
Information for Applicants
All external applicants must register with the SETU E-Recruitment system in order to apply online for vacancies.
To register, using Google Chrome, create a user account on the SETU Vacancies Page. Click on the New User – Register link under the menu on the left-hand side of the screen. Fill in all the fields in the Register New User section (note: all correspondence relating to your application will be sent to the email address you enter here). When you have completed all the fields and ticked the Terms and Conditions checkbox at the bottom of the section, click on Register.
Once you have created a user account on the SETU Vacancies Page, the next time you wish to log in to the system simply click on the Existing User? – Login link on the left-hand menu. On the Login screen, enter your email address and password and click on Login. Should you forget your password, enter the email address you used when registering for an account and click on the Forgotten Password? Link. A new password will be emailed to you (please remember to check your spam folder if you do not receive an email).
Existing SETU employees must log in via their Core Portal in order to apply for vacancies. Applications will not be accepted by any other means. All open SETU vacancies can be viewed in the Recruitment tab in Core Portal (Employee Dashboard).
Core Portal is available to all staff in SETU. You can view your payslip, check your annual leave balance if applicable and apply for vacancies. Log in using your SETU Email Address ([email protected]) and SETU password. Please contact [email protected] (Carlow and Wexford Campus) or [email protected] (Waterford Campus) if you have any problems logging in.
SETU uses an electronic online recruitment system called E-recruit.
All stages of the recruitment process will be in compliance with the Employment Equality Acts 1998-2015 and other relevant legislation. No candidate shall be discriminated against on any of the nine grounds mentioned in legislation, i.e., Gender, Civil Status, Family Status, Race, Religion, Sexual Orientation, Age, Disability, or Membership of the Traveller Community.
SETU Recruitment and Selection Policy
All advertisements will be placed on the SETU website and relevant other media as required, agreed and approved and will require use of the E-recruit portal as standard. All advertisements will make it clear by their wording that the position is open to all suitably qualified candidates.
SETU will apply a shortlisting process for all competitions. Shortlisting will be based on the criteria identified in the person specification for the post.
Interview Process
The primary method of selection in SETU is by means of an interview process (which may include a presentation) carried out by an interview board. Interviews at SETU may be carried out in person or remotely via MS Teams/Zoom or any other appropriate method. On occasion, there may be more than one round of interviews required and this will be communicated to candidates if applicable. Additional selection methods in line with the criteria for the post may be applied for the selection process if requested by the hiring manager.
The interview board will make a recommendation as to the most meritorious candidate/s following interview and the recommendation will be formally documented by the interview board Chairperson. The interview board reserve the right to create a panel of candidates suitable for further appointment within a defined period of time. HR will endeavour to communicate the outcome of the interviews to all candidates within 10 working days of the interviews. SETU will approve all appointments as appropriate. A conditional offer of employment may be made to the successful candidate subject to the submission and verification of the required documentation. On satisfactory completion of these checks, HR will issue the contract of employment. New appointees cannot commence employment in SETU until all standard preemployment checks are completed. All successful candidates are required to sign and accept the terms and conditions of employment and return these documents to HR
Candidate Feedback
HR will be responsible for providing interview feedback to candidates. Candidates who would like to receive interview feedback must submit a request in writing to HR within two weeks of the notification of the outcome of the interview. HR will then endeavour to provide feedback within 10 working days of the request.
- Annual Leave - Academic – Nationally agreed holidays - Professional, Managerial, Administration & Support Staff from 22 – 30 days per year + Public Holidays
- Shorter Working Year
- Flexible Working Arrangements
- Leave Benefits include: - Paid Sick Leave - Paid Maternity leave - Paid Paternity Leave - Parental Leave - Carers Leave - Adoptive Leave - Medical Care Leave - Compassionate Leave
- Pension Scheme
- Staff Professional Development: - Continuous Professional Development Courses - Accredited Courses from level 6-9 - Opportunity to undertake funded PhDs - Health & Safety training Long term Illness/Disability Income Replacement
- Employee Assistance Service
- Staff Mentoring Programme
- Progression Opportunities
- Staff Social Club
- Discounted SETU Gym Membership
- Cycle to Work Scheme
- Free Parking
Relocating to Ireland
A visa is an official document that allows the bearer to legally enter a foreign country. If you are from a country outside of the EEA, Switzerland and the UK, you need permission to live and work in Ireland. Information on immigration can be found at the following links:
- Visa information from Irish Government
- Irish Immigration
- Citzens information
- Employment visa information
Hosting Agreements
Non-EU nationals require permission to work and study in Ireland. Additionally, some non-EU/EEA nationals require an entry visa (permission to travel, enter & work in the state of Ireland) to enter the country. However, non-EU researchers applying for research and academic positions in accredited research organisations can use a fast-track work permit scheme. This allows the host research organisation to employ the academic / researcher without the need for a work permit
Additionally, this scheme allows the academic’s and researcher’s immediate family to reside in Ireland for the duration of the agreement. It also grants eligible spouses, de facto partners to apply for work without the need for a work permit.
The procedure for a Hosting Agreement
- SETU will send a Contract of Employment to the applicant, who signs the Contract and returns it to SETU
- SETU then commences the Hosting agreement
- The applicant receives an email from the Euraxess Ireland to complete their details on the Hosting agreement.
- The hosting agreement returns to SETU via email from the Euraxess Ireland. SETU will then submit the completed form to the Euraxess Ireland.
- When the Hosting Agreement is approved and live on the IUA Hosting Agreement site, SETU will send the applicant a copy of the Hosting Agreement and Contract of Employment.
- The applicant can then apply for a Visa or have their Visa updated whichever is required.
Prior to arrival
It is the employees’ responsibility to source accommodation whilst working with SETU.
The most popular website for sourcing accommodation is www.daft.ie. This site allows you to check for property in a specific county, or surrounding counties. Other websites include www.myhome.ie and www.property.ie. These websites will also give you an indication of the approximate cost.
There are a number of local letting agents within the South East, which you can contact directly to source accommodation.
Transfer from Airport
Bus services run from Dublin Airport to all SETU locations daily. See bus providers websites for timetables and to book tickets.
Personal Public Service Number
PPS number is a unique reference number that helps you access social welfare benefits and information in Ireland. In order to be set up on the payroll system in SETU, you will be required to provide your PPS number, as per Government regulations.
Please note that new employees are advised to schedule their appointment in advance of arrival in Ireland to avoid any delay in getting set up on payroll. For instructions and information, please see the following:
On arrival
Wi-Fi / Broadband connection for remote working (where relevant)
It is the employee’s responsibility to source their own Wi-Fi / broadband Connection. Investigate if your chosen accommodation has a secure network connection and if not research local providers and arrange installation.
Bank account
Please arrange for an Irish bank account to be set up. HR can supply a letter of support once Irish address has been secured.
Arrange appointment with your nearest immigration Office to secure your IRP / GNIB card through immigration (where relevant). More information: Citizens information - Registration of non-EEA nationals.
Click to view the Register of Early Years Services.
Employing more than 2,000 staff, our Recruitment Team work across multiple campuses across the south east of Ireland.
Waterford Campus
The University footprint in Waterford has developed an attractive modern university campus environment for staff and students across all its campus. SETU's Waterford campuses has a multi-campus structure with five sites clustered within a three kilometre radius around the city of Waterford:
- Cork Road Campus
- Applied Technology Campus (in the IDA industrial estate)
- College Street Campus
- West Campus - home to ArcLabs, the SETU Arena, Carriganore House and the Walton Institute
- Granary Campus - home to Architecture programmes
Carlow Campus
The South East Technological University, Carlow Campus is situated on Kilkenny Road, Carlow. The Carlow Campus has 16 buildings covering approximately 37,500m2, playing pitches and car parking. The campus is approximately 30 hectares. The Nore Building which is the oldest building was constructed almost 50 years ago; the most recent building is the Corporate Services Building which finished construction in 2024.
SETU Carlow Campus new €15-million South Sports Campus is a world-class outdoor multi-discipline training facility, which includes 6 new LED floodlit playing pitches, 1.6km looped walking trail, 400m athletics track and a pavilion building.
Wexford Campus
The South East Technological University has an outreach centre in Wexford Town. The Wexford Outreach Centre is situated in two separate locations, the Wexford Campus is located in St. Peter’s, Summerhill Road, Wexford and the Art and Design Campus is located in the former County Council Buildings, Hill Street, Wexford. The Campus in St. Peters is approximately 2,500m2, the Art and Design Campus which is located in Block C in the former Wexford County Council Buildings is 800m2 and the Art and Design Campus also occupy four rooms in Block B, totalling 100m2.
South East Technological University is the only university in the South East region of Ireland.
The South East, with a population of over 580,000, is comprised of the counties of Waterford, Kilkenny, Carlow and Wexford. The largest urban centre and regional capital is Waterford city (with a population of c.60,000) but the region is distinguished by a network of large key towns, Carlow (population c.27,000), Kilkenny (population c.27,000) and Wexford (c.20,000). SETU has a presence across all these locations.
Under Ireland’s National Development Plan, the South East region is expected to grow in population to approximately 800,000 by 2040. This population growth, and the planned investment from the State (including in higher education) to support this growth, is consistent with Ireland’s policy to drive balanced growth across Ireland’s regions The regional economy has grown very strongly in recent decades with strong economic clusters in Life Sciences, Financial Services, ICT, Agriculture and Food, and Engineering. Development strategy across the region focusses heavily on knowledge-driven, high-value employment in these areas. Global brands and market leaders in all these sectors have located in the region. The South East was the winner for the FDI Strategy for Small Regions in the European Cities and Regions of the Future 2023.1 SETU’s innovation has been central to economic growth in the region to date, especially since the turn of the century; the further enhancement of SETU’s innovation activity has been identified as critical to the region’s ambitious growth plans
The region is known for its high quality of life and Waterford was voted Ireland’s best place to live by the Irish Times in 2021.2 Waterford is Ireland’s oldest city and the region’s Viking beginnings and Norman past is evident across all of the major towns. The region has many tourist and natural attractions including the Blackstairs and Comeragh mountains and popular beaches in Curracloe and Tramore amongst 13 blue flag beaches along the coast, as well as fishing villages like Kilmore Quay and Dunmore East. The region’s river network flowing through the major towns also forms a popular amenity. The region has a network of blueways, greenways, cycle tracks and walking routes. The region is known as the “Sunny South East” and has approximately 2 hours extra daylight per day than more northerly regions and 75 days less rain than other regions. The region is a highly affordable city region with house prices in general 20% lower than the national average, and childcare costs in the South East over 50% cheaper than in Dublin.
The region has a thriving arts and cultural scene and major arts centres like the Wexford Opera House and the Visual Centre in Carlow. The region hosts a number of major international festivals including the Wexford Opera Festival, the Kilkenny Arts Festival, the Borris Festival of Writing and Ideas, and many others. Waterford city’s Museum of Treasures (located in the city’s museum quarter, the only one in Ireland) is an internationally renowned attraction. The region is known for the high quality of its food and also hosts a number of food related festivals as well as having many prize-winning restaurants and hotels. As the only university in the region, SETU’s further success is central to a thriving South East; the university is clearly a regional anchor. The university is one of the region’s largest employers and is by far the leading institution when it comes to the recruitment of regional students. In particular, the university, in further developing its innovation and research capability, will add momentum to the region’s drive to be identified as Ireland’s innovation capital.
SETU Recruitment Staff Contacts
Carlow & Wexford Campus
- All positions: [email protected]
Waterford Campus
- Academic Posts: [email protected]
- Professional Managerial & Support Staff: [email protected]
- Research Posts: [email protected]
Please contact us using the contact email address associated with the vacancy for which you want to apply, quoting the Vacancy ID number.
Name | Role | Campus | |
Darren Fitzpatrick | HR Manager | Carlow | [email protected] |
Jane Mahony | HR Manager (Recruitment, Remuneration & Pensions) | Waterford | [email protected] |
Karen Woods | Recruitment and Selection Officer | Carlow | [email protected] |
Janet Ayers | TSAF Integration Officer | Cross-campus | [email protected] |
Bríd Keogh | HR Recruitment Officer | Carlow | [email protected] |
Dr Jamie Power | Academic Recruitment Officer | Waterford | [email protected] |
Sarah Jane Doran | HR Recruitment Officer | Carlow | [email protected] |
Gráinne Kelly | SETU TU RISE Talent Officer | Cross-campus | [email protected] |