Plant Protection (for registration with DAFM as Professional User of Pesticides status)

If you are interested in applying for this course please Contact Dr. Cara Daly [email protected] for more information, and for the confirmed timetable as it varies depending on the location.
The module will enable the student to describe and apply techniques to control weed, pests and diseases. The student will learn how to calibrate and use a knapsack sprayer correctly.
On successful completion of this module, a student will be able to:
- Identify a range of horticultural pests, diseases, disorders and weeds.
- Describe the effects of infestations of pests, diseases, disorders and weeds on crops.
- Describe life cycles, monitoring and control methods for pests, diseases, disorders and weeds.
- Describe the main types, formulations, modes of action, and resistance to pesticides.
- Describe the current pesticide regulations.
- Operate a knapsack sprayer, calculate and make up spray mix, correctly apply a pesticide, demonstrate effective cleaning, storage, and calibration of equipment.
4 hrs per week for 12 weeks. The course requires a total of 48 hours contact time. It is split into lectures (24 hours) and practical classes (24 hours). Classes run Monday – (between
9.00am and 5.00pm). Students can take the course in either Kildalton College, Piltown, Co. Kilkenny, or in The College of Amenity
Horticulture, in The National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin, Dublin.
Year 1
Semester 1 | Semester 2 |
M is a mandatory subject - E is an elective subject
Year 2
Semester 3 | Semester 4 |
M is a mandatory subject - E is an elective subject
Year 3
Semester 5 | Semester 6 |
M is a mandatory subject - E is an elective subject
Year 4
Semester 7 | Semester 8 |
M is a mandatory subject - E is an elective subject
Leaving Certificate or equivalent; or mature student
Students who pass the course will accrue 5 ECTS credits and will be eligible to register on the Professional Users of Pesticides register held by The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine as required under Sustainable Use of Pesticides Directive.
The course will be of use to people working in the Horticulture Industry, to farmers and agricultural workers, county council maintenance employees, and volunteers working with Men’s sheds, Tidy Towns, and other community groups who play a role in landscape maintenance.
Students who pass the course will accrue 5 ECTS credits and will be eligible to register on the Professional Users of Pesticides register held by The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine as required under Sustainable Use of Pesticides Directive.
The course will be of use to people working in the Horticulture Industry, to farmers and agricultural workers, county council maintenance employees, and volunteers working with Men’s sheds, Tidy Towns, and other community groups who play a role in landscape maintenance.
The course is split into 50% continuous assessment (CA) and 50% final written exam. The CA will be assessed at various times through the semester, while the final exam will be for 2-hours and will run in December (date to be confirmed). The course runs both in Kildalton College and The National Botanic Gardens.
Course Leaders

Dr Cara Daly
Lecturer & Programme Leader for the BSc in Horticulture (Kildalton College) & the BSc in Horticulture (National Botanic Gardens) -
Call: +35351302076
Email: [email protected]