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What is the Course about?

Art is a diverse range of activities involving imaginative and technical skill and includes the production of works of art, criticism of art, study of art history, and the aesthetic dissemination of art.

This dynamic and highly student-centred course is unique to the Wexford Campus. Students are provided with the opportunity to gain creative skills, creative knowledge, aesthetic awareness and professional experiences in contemporary visual art. A forum for exchanging diverse opinions and ideas is provided through group critique, field trips, and a visiting artists programme.

Course Structure

Students learn creative skills, aesthetic awareness and professional practices in contemporary visual art. Subjects include painting, sculpture, digital media, photography and video, art and design history, as well as engagement with art and the moving image and material and visual culture. Students learn by working on creative projects in a studio context, in IT labs and traditional lectures and by engaging with the local community.

Is this course for you?

If you are interested in visual culture and enjoy learning-by-doing, experimenting, thinking creatively and imaginatively then this might bethe course for you. You will engage in a variety of art-making methods and technologies that will equip you with the confidence and skills to operate professionally in the art world and the creative industries.

Special Features:

  • Awide variety of studio disciplines including: painting; sculpture; digital media and photography.
  • Students can choose to specialise in either painting or sculpture in Year 3 and 4.
  • Final year course work is presented in the form of a degree show.
  • Annual public exhibitions in the South East are held at recognised art galleries and well-recognised locations such as the Wexford Arts Centre.
  • Students have the opportunity to take international field trips in Years 1 and 2.
  • Guest lectures from Irish and international contemporary artists.
  • Many of the art lecturers are well-known artists and students benefit greatly from working closely with artists who are active in research, art and design, writing, curating and exhibiting.
  • Exit awards: Bachelor of Arts in Art (NFQ Level 7) after Year 3.

Year 1

Semester 1 Semester 2
Art and Design: Themes and Contexts. (M) Digital Media Design (M)
Visual Studies - Colour, Drawing, 3D (M) Photography and Video (M)
Visual Studies - Notebook Research (M) Visual and Material Culture (M)
Visual Studies - Skills Based Workshops (M) Visual Studies Themed Project (M)

M is a mandatory subject - E is an elective subject

Year 2

Semester 3 Semester 4
Art and The Moving Image (M) Art and Design: Themes and Contexts. (M)
Painting Practices (M) Professional Practice in the Arts (M)
Sculpture and Expanded Practice (M)
Video Editing (M)

M is a mandatory subject - E is an elective subject

Year 3

Semester 5 Semester 6
Collaborative Exhibition Practices (M) Media Arts (M)
Entrepreneurship for Artists (M) Socially Engaged Practice (M)
Painting Practices (M) Visual Methodologies and Research Proposal (M)
Sculpture and Expanded Practices (M)
Themes in Contemporary Art (M)

M is a mandatory subject - E is an elective subject

Year 4

Semester 7 Semester 8
Dissertation (M)
Painting Practices (M)
Sculpture & Expanded Practice (M)

M is a mandatory subject - E is an elective subject

What are the minimum entry requirements?

  • 2H5 & 4O6/H7
  • English or Irish at Ordinary O6/H7


Additional details can be found in the attached document for download.

  • Please include your CAO number, name, address, phone number, email address with your submission.
  • We have prepared some suggestions for putting your portfolio together and for making a submission. Please see the attached document for download.
  • Your portfolio will be assessed within 7 working days during term, and an assessment result will also be issued.

CAO Late applicants or Change of Mind applicants should make contact with the Wexford Campus to arrange a portfolio assess mentor email[email protected]


Art Portfolio Guidelines.pdf

What follow-on study opportunities are available?

You may pursue postgraduate studies at masters level in painting, sculpture, interdisciplinary arts practice, digital media or film studies. You may also pursue masters degrees in arts administration, conservation, curating, critical writing, community arts, art therapy or train to become an art teacher through a Masters of Art and Design Education.

Find out more about our Wexford Campus School of Art & Design

What exemptions will I receive?




What will I be able to do when I finish the course?

You will be able to commence your career as a professional artist, an artist's assistant or studio manager. You will also be qualified to work in related fields like film, photography, theatre, information technology, art handling, exhibition installation, community arts and arts administration. Your art history and cultural studies training will enable you to become an art critic or writer.


Course Leader

  Brian Garvey

Lecturer in Art & Design -

Call: +353539185800

Email: [email protected]
