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I have overall responsibility for the academic management of the School of Business, and contribute to the overall running of the Institute as a member of the Executive Board.  The School comprises about 90 academic and administrative staff and is an exciting place to work.  Being the dean of a large integrated School is very enjoyable, especially, when you see first-hand how our students develop over their time with us.

Dr. Thomas O’Toole is Head of the School of Business at Waterford Institute of Technology.  He teaches in the subject areas of marketing and strategy. Dr. O’Toole’s research specialism is in the area of inter-firm relationships and networks with a specific focus on collaboration.

Dr. O’Toole's publication track record includes over 90 peer reviewed articles (including in the Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Marketing Management, Journal of Product Innovation Management, European Journal of Purchasing and Supply, International Small Business Journal, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, Journal of Customer Behaviour). 

He is co-author of the text, now in its second edition, entitled Strategic Marketing Relationship, from strategy to implementation (Wiley: London).  Dr. O’Toole is a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the European Journal of Marketing.  He became a Fellow of the Irish Academy of Management in 2012 for his contribution to the Academy and to management education, and was awarded a Fellowship of the Marketing Institute of Ireland in 2005 for his contribution to marketing practice in Ireland.  Dr. O’Toole serves on a range of boards of non-for-profit and community organisations.  In 2013, he was awarded a Fulbright Scholar.

Over many years as a lecturer I have been fortunate to teach across most of the Schools in the Institute and across all levels of student learning.

I have taught marketing subjects and business strategy.  In the last few years I have added research methods and teaching students and staff about research degrees and supervision respectively.  Major current interests of mine are in how first years experience college, and the impact and use of technology in the classroom.

In addition, I am excited by the use of problem-oriented, practice-to-theory or active modes of learning that can make learning more fun and embed the learning outcomes at a deeper level, and by the promotion of enterprise education to enhance the creativity of learners.
The School of Business uses a model of small class size which enables it to give students personalized attention in their learning journey for life and as business professionals.  The School has pioneered many novel and innovative approaches to teaching and learning, and many of its staff have published material on teaching.  I have written articles on practice-based teaching, active modes of knowledge transfer to enterprise, and authored many case studies used for classroom instruction.

One very enjoyable part of my job is research which informs my teaching and practice. My area of research is strategic market relationships and networks or how businesses or other organisations collaborate to compete.  If you are interested in this work you can contact me.  I am always looking for cases of companies who have strategic collaborations with their partner buyers or suppliers.  In addition, I am open to taking on students for research degrees in the area of my research. 
I am currently involved in several major research projects and a longitudinal study.  The projects can be described as follows:

  • Collaborative/open innovation.  Most organisations create new value through innovation.  Our focus is on co-created innovation or where partners collaborate to create new products, services or process.  We are specifically interested in the intensity of this engagement.  This project involves researchers in WIT and in Holland.

  • Developing network capability of entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized enterprises.  This project examines how enterprises connect to other enterprises and organisations to develop their business.  The project examines how this evolution happens and has crossed industries including high technology, food and beverage.  It is being conducted with other Irish, US and Australian researchers.

  • Relationship strength or managing the close relationship. How relationships between businesses are managed and coordinated is of central concern in every supply and demand chain.  This project is a longitudinal one which examines the nature of this cooperation in particular at advanced levels of partnering.  This project involves collaborators from many other institutions.

Research Publications:

Donaldson, W. G. and O’ Toole, T. (2007), Strategic Market Relationships – from strategy to implementation, 2nd edition, John Wiley and Sons: Chichester.
Donaldson, W. G. and O’ Toole, T. (2002), Strategic Market Relationships – from strategy to implementation, John Wiley and Sons: Chichester.

Journal and book chapters:

O’Brien, S., and O’Toole, T. (2021), “The Effectiveness of Role Autonomy in influencing Job Pursuit Intentions of Customer-oriented Frontline Job Seekers”, Psychology and Marketing, Vol. 38, No. 3, pp. 504-523.

Sabatini, A., O’Toole, T., and Gregori, J.L. (2021), “Integrating Sustainability in Business Network Initiation: The case of an Italian Pasta Maker”, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, DOI: 10.1108/JBIM_02_2020_0076.

McGrath, H. and O’Toole, T. (2021), “Early Stage Network Engagement Strategies in the Network Capability of New Ventures”, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing,

Drummond, C., O’Toole, T., and McGrath, H. (2020), “Digital Engagement Strategies and Tactics in Social Media Marketing”, European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 54, No. 6, pp. 1247-1280.

McGrath, H., Canning, L., and O’Toole, T. (2019), “Coopetition: A Fundamental Feature of Entrepreneurial Firms’ Collaborative Dynamics”, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 34(7), pp. 1555-1569.

McGrath, H., Medlin, C., and O’Toole, T. (2019), “A Process-Based Model of Network Capability by a Start-Up Firm”, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 84, No. 4, pp. 214-227.

Cunningham, J., O’Toole, T., White, M. and Wells, J.S.G. (2019), “Conceptualizing Skill Mix in Nursing and Health Care: An Analysis”, Journal of Nursing Management, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 256-263.

McGrath, H., O’Toole, T., Marino, L.M., and Sutton-Brady, H. (2018), “A Relational Lifecycle Model of the Emergence of Network Capability in New Ventures”, International Small Business Journal, Vol. 36 (5), pp. 521-545.

O'Toole, T., and McGrath, H. (2018), “Strategic patterns in the development of network capability in new ventures”, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 70, April, pp. 128-140.

Drummond, C., McGrath, H. and O’Toole, T. (2018), “The Impact of Social Media on Resource Mobilisation in Entrepreneurial Firms”, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 70, April, pp. 68-89.

McGrath. H. and O’Toole, T. (2018), “Expanding the Concept of Familiness to relational capability: A Belgian Micro-Brewery Study”, International Small Business Journal, 36(2), pp. 194-219.

McGrath, Helen, O'Toole, T. (2016), "Using Action Research and Action Learning for Entrepreneurial Network Capability Development", Action Learning: Research and Practice, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 118-138.

Lynch, Patrick, O'Toole, T., Biemans, W. (2016), "Measuring Involvement of a Network of Customers in NPD", Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 166-180.

McGrath, Helen and O’Toole, T. (2014), “A Cross-Cultural Comparison of the Network Capability Development of Entrepreneurial Firms”, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 43, No. 6, pp. 897-910.

Lynch, P., O’Toole, T. and Biemans, W. (2014), “From Conflict to Crisis in Collaborative NPD”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 67, No. 6, pp. 1145-1153.

McGrath, H. and O’Toole, T. (2014), “The Challenges and Opportunities in the Development of Rural Small-to-Medium Sized Enterprises”, in O’Donoghue, C., Conneely, R., Frost, D., Heanue, K., Leonard, B., and Meredith, D. (editors), Rural Economic Development in Ireland, Chapter 22, Teagasc: Oakpark.

O’Toole, T., and Holden, M.T. (2013), “A Relational Communication Strategy for Successful Collaborative Innovation in Business-to-Business Markets”, in Pferrermann, N., Minshall, T., and Mortara, L., editors, Strategies and Communication for Innovations – An Integrated Management View for     Companies and Networks, 2nd edition, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, Germany, Chapter 16, pp. 271-292.
McGrath, H. and O’Toole, T. (2013), “Enablers and Inhibitors of the Development of Network Capability in Entrepreneurial Firms: A Study of the Irish Micro-Brewing Network”, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 42, No. 7, pp. 1141-1153.
O’Toole, T. and Bowe, L. (2012), “The Role of a Government Intermediary (diplomatic broker) in developing a network of relationships between Ireland and Newfoundland, Canada”, Journal of Customer Behaviour, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp.129-144.
McGrath, H. and O’Toole, T. (2012), “Critical Issues in Research Design in Action Research in an SME development Context”, European Journal of Training and Development, Vol. 36, No. 5, pp. 508-526. (downloaded 435 times in first year).
Mcgrath, H. and O’Toole, T. (2011), “Challenges in Implementing the Market-as-Networks Approach to Marketing for SMEs”, Irish Marketing Review, Vol. 21, No. 1&2, pp. 58-65.
Donaldson, W.G., O’Toole, T., and Holden, M.T. (2011), “A Relational Communication Strategy for Successful Collaborative Innovation in Business-to-Business Markets”, in Hülsmann, M. and Pferrermann, N., editors, Strategies and Communication for Innovations – An Integrated Management View for Companies and Networks, Springer, Berlin, Germany, pp. 209-228.
Griffin, R. and O’Toole, T. (2010), “On the Meaning of Structures in the International Business Discourse”, Critical Perspectives on International Business, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 237-255.
Lynch, P. and O’Toole, T. (2010), “A Critical Episode Analysis of the Dynamics of the Interaction Atmosphere in a New Product Development Relationship”, The IMP Journal, Vol.4, No. 2, pp. 106-130.
McGrath, H. and O’Toole, T. (2010), “The Potential and Challenge of the Network Realisation Capability for SMEs in Ireland and Finland”, Journal of Business Market Management, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 27-49.
Lynch, P. and O’Toole, Thomas (2008), “Managing relationships for Innovation in the Food Industry”, edited by Cunningham, James A. and Harrington, Denis G., Irish Management 2.0, New Managerial Priorities in a Changing Economy, Blackhall: Dublin.
O’Toole, Thomas (2006), “Review of the Potential and Practice of Professional Roles and responsibilities of Executive Directors on Boards”, Irish Journal of Management, Vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 109-128.
Lynch, P. and O’Toole, Thomas (2006), “Involving External Users and Third Parties in the New Product Development Process”, Irish Marketing Review, Vol. 18, No. 1/2, pp. 29-37.
Foley, Anthony and O’Toole, Thomas (2005), “Competing on Linen”, editors, Kilbride, Catherine and Mortimer, Gerry, Cases in Marketing Management and Strategy, The Marketing Institute: Dublin.
Holden, M.T and O’ Toole, T. (2004), “Affirming Communication’s Primary Role in a Manufacturer-Retailer Context”, Journal of Marketing Management, Vol. 20, No. 9/10, pp. 1047-1074.
Holden, M.T. and O’Toole, T. (2004), “A Quantitative Exploration of Communication’s role in Determining the Governance of Manufacturer-Retailer Relationships”, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 33, No. 6, pp. 539-548.
O’ Toole, Thomas (2003), “E-Relationships: Emergence and the Small Firm”, Marketing Intelligence and Planing, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 115-122.
O’ Toole, T., McCarthy. A., and Garavan, T. (2003), “HRD: Working at The Boundaries and Interfaces of Organisation”, Journal of European Industrial Training, Vol. 27, Nos. 1-3, pp. 58-72.
Egan, T., Clancy, S. and O’ Toole, T. (2003), “The Integration of e-Commerce Tools into the Business Process of SMEs”, Irish Journal of Management, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 139-153.
O’ Toole, T. and Donaldson, W.G. (2002), “Relationship Performance Dimensions of Buyer-Supplier Exchanges”, European Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 197-207.
O’ Toole, T. and Donaldson, W.G. (2002), “The Strategy to Implementation Cycle of Relationship Marketing Planning”, The Marketing Review, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 195-209.
O’ Toole, T. and Holden, M. T. (2001), “The Centrality of Communication in Relationships and to Electronic Trading – A Waterford Crystal-Retailer Case Study”, Irish Marketing Review, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 19-25.
Donaldson, W. G. and O’ Toole (2000), "Classifying Relationship Structures: Relationship Strength in Industrial Markets", Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, Vol. 15, No. 7, pp. 491-506.
O' Toole, T., and Donaldson, W.G (2000), “Relationship Governance Structure and Performance”, Journal of Marketing Management, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 327-341.
O’ Toole, T. and Donaldson, W.G. (2000), “Managing Strategic Relationship Archetypes”, Irish Marketing Review, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 12-20.
O' Toole, T. and Harrington, D. (1998/1999), "Tracing the Evolution of Quality Management: Lessons from the Development of Strategic Management", Irish Business and Administrative Review, Vol. 2, Nos. 19/20, pp. 139-152.
O’ Dwyer, M. and O’ Toole, T. (1998), “Marketing and Research and Development Contexts in New Product Development”, Irish Marketing Review, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 59-68.

Peer reviewed conference:

Drummond, C., McGrath, H. and O’Toole, T. (2017), “Social Media Influence Framework on the Network Capabilities of Entrepreneurial Firms”, 33rd Annual IMP Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 1-9.

McGrath, H., and O’Toole, T. (2017), “The Development of Entrepreneurial Firm Network Capability: A Study of the Irish Craft Food Sector”, 33rd Annual IMP Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 1-8.

O’Toole, T. and McGrath, H. (2016), “Entrepreneurial Firms’ Strategizing for Network Capability in Use”, 32nd Annual IMP conference, Poznan, Poland, 30th August-3rd September, pp. 1-19.

Drummond, C., McGrath, H. and O’Toole, T. (2016), “A Study of Social Media’s Impact on Network Action and resource Mobilization of Entrepreneurial Firms”, 32nd Annual IMP conference, Poznan, Poland, 30th August-3rd September, pp. 1-40.

McGrath, H. and O’Toole, T. (2016), Macro Environment Framing the Coopetitive Practices of the Micro-brewing  Industry in Georgia USA, Academy of Marketing, 3rd B2B Marketing Colloquium, University of Paris 1 Pantheon, Sorbonne, 23rd/24th June, pp. 1-23.

McGrath, H. and O’Toole, T. (2015), “Co-opetition as Practice: The Case of the Georgian Micro-Brewers”, 31st Annual IMP conference, University of Southern Denmark, Kolding, August 25th-29th, pp. 1-22.

McGrath, H. and O’Toole, T. (2015), “The Marketing Practices of Craft Firms – Transactions, Relationships and Social Media”, Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, University of Limerick, 7th-9th July, pp. 1-14.

McGrath, H. and O’Toole, T. (2015), “Using Action Research for Entrepreneurial Network Capability Development”, 16th International Conference on Human Resource Development Research and Practice Across Europe, University College Cork, Ireland, 3rd-5th June, pp. 1-31.

McGrath, H., and O’Toole, T., Johnston, W.J., and Marino, L. D. (2014), “Delimiting the Network Context of the Entrepreneurial Firm – the reliance on local networks”, 30th Annual IMP conference, Kedge Business School, Bordeaux, France, 1st-6th September, pp. 1-20.

McGrath, H., O’Toole, T., Johnston, W.J., and Marino, L. D. (2014), “Delimiting the Network Context of the Entrepreneurial Firm – the Reliance on Local Nets”, 30th Annual IMP Conference, KEDGE Business School, Bordeaux, France, 1st-6th September, pp. 1-20.

Marino, L.D., Johnston, W.J., McGrath, H. and O’Toole, T. (2014), “An Empirical Investigation of the Emergence of Network Capability in Entrepreneurial Firms”, Babson College Entrepreneurial Research Conference, Ivey Business School, London, Canada, June 4th-7th, pp. 1-11.

McGrath, H. and Murphy, L. and O’Toole, T. (2013), “You Can’t Choose Your Family But Can you Use Their Networks?”, Irish Academy of Management Annual Conference, Waterford Institute of Technology, Waterford, September 2nd-4th, pp. 1-27.
O’Toole, T. and McGrath, H. (2013), “Do Enterprise Policy Supports to SMEs in Ireland and Belgium Support the Development of Network Capability?”, Irish Academy of Management Annual Conference, Waterford Institute of Technology, Waterford, September 2nd-4th, pp. 1-25.
O’Toole, T. and McGrath H. (2013), “Evolving Network Capability in the Entrepreneurial Firm”, 29th Annual Conference of the International Marketing and Purchasing Group, Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University, Atlanta, USA, August 30th –September 2nd, pp. 1-21.
McGrath, H. and O’Toole, T. (2013), “A Cross Cultural Comparison of Network Capability Development in Entrepreneurial Firms”, 29th Annual Conference of the International Marketing and Purchasing Group, Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University, Atlanta, USA, August 30th –September 2nd, pp. 1-23.
McGrath, H. and O’Toole, T. (2013), “A Cross Cultural Comparison of Network Capability in Entrepreneurial Firms”, 6th International Conference on Business Market Management, Bamberg, Germany, 20-22nd June, pp. 430-452.
McGrath, H. and O’Toole, T. (2012), “Network Capability in Entrepreneurial Firms: The Case of the Irish Micro Brewing Industry”, 28th International Marketing and Purchasing Group Conference, Università Cattolica Del Sacro Cuore, Rome, September 12th-15th, pp. 1-25. (Selected as conference best paper)
O’Toole, T. and Bowe, L. (2011), “The Role of a Government Intermediary (diplomatic broker) in developing a network of relationships between Ireland and Newfoundland, Canada”, 27th International Marketing and Purchasing Group Conference, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, 1st-3rd September, pp. 1-15.
McGrath, H. and O’Toole, T. and Sutton-Brady, C. (2011),”The Evolution of Network Capability in an SME context”, 27th International Marketing and Purchasing Group Conference, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow,1st-3rd September, pp. 1-23.
O’Toole, T. (2010), “Long Term Orientation and Relationship Strength: How Time-Dependent are Strong Relationships?”,26th International Marketing and Purchasing Group Conference, Budapest, 1st-4th September, pp. 1-16.
McGrath, H. and O’Toole, T. (2010), “Action Learning Methodologies and the IMP Tradition: Application to Capability Building in SMEs”, 26th International Marketing and Purchasing Group Conference, Budapest, 1st-4th September, pp. 1-18.
Lynch, P. and O’Toole, T. (2010), “Structuring Interaction Dynamics in a close Collaborative Relationship: A Sense-making Perspective”, 26th International Marketing and Purchasing Group Conference, Budapest, 1st-4th September, pp. 1-27.
Griffin, R. and O’Toole, T. (2010), “Heterarchy: the Career of a Concept”, 37th Annual Conference of the Academy of International Business, 8-10th April, Dublin, pp. 1-17.
McGrath, H. and O’Toole, T. and Sutton-Brady, Catherine (2009), “SME Network Perceptions, The Case of a Small ICT Firm”, 4th International Marketing and Purchasing Group in Asia, 6-9th December, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 1-22.
Holden, M.T., Lynch, P. and O’Toole, T. (2009), “Developing a Rural Innovation Network in the Irish Tourism Sector”, in proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Relationship Marketing, Berlin, Freie Universität.
Griffin, Ray, and O’Toole, T. (2009), “On the Meanings of Structure in the International Business Discourse”, 6th International Critical Management Studies Conference, 13-15th July, Warwick University, Warwick.
McGrath, Helen, and O’Toole, T. (2009), “Realizing Networks: the case of Irish and Finnish SMEs”, 4th International Conference on Business Market Management, March 18-20th Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen.
Holden, Mary. T. and Lynch, Patrick, and O’Toole, T. (2008), “Modeling the Influence of Proximity, Relationships and Communication on Knowledge Transfer Efficiency in Business-to-Business Networks”, Australia-New Zealand Academy of Marketing Conference, Sydney, December 1st-3rd, pp. 1-9.
McGrath, Helen, and O’Toole, T. (2008), “Implementing a Relational Capability Framework through an SME Network”, 24th International Marketing and Purchasing Group Conference, Uppsala, 4th-6th September, pp. 1-17.
O’Toole, T. (2007), “Defining Close Relationships Among Relationships”, International Marketing and Purchasing Group, 23th Annual Conference, Manchester, Aug-Sept 30-1st, pp. 1-19.
Lynch, Patrick J. and O’Toole, T. (2007), “Critical Episodes in a Long Tern Relationship of a Food Manufacturer and its Packaging Technology Partner in the Early Stages of a New Product Development Project”, International Marketing and Purchasing Group, 23th Annual Conference, Manchester, Aug-Sept 30-1st, pp. 1-30.
Holden, Mary T. and O’Toole, T. (2006), “Relational Exchange: The Effects of Commitment, Primary Relations and Inter-organisational Communication on Relational Norms”, 35th European Marketing Academy Conference, May 23rd-26th, Athens: Greece.
Holden, Mary T. and O’Toole, T. (2006), “Seeking Congruence on Norms: Revisiting Kaufman and Dant’s (1992) Dimensions of Exchange”, American Marketing Association Winter Educator’s Conference Proceedings, St. Petersburg: Florida.
Holden, Mary T. and O’Toole, T. (2005), “Measuring Norms in Close InterOrganisational Relationships”, Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, 5-7th of July, DIT, Dublin.
Holden, Mary T. and O’Toole, T. (2005), “Modelling the Effects of Inter-Firm Communication Patterns and Primary Relations on the development of Relational Norms”, in Academy of Marketing Science, World Congress, July, Munster, Germany.
Lynch, Patrick J. and O’Toole, Tom (2004), ‘An empirical assessment of the extent and intensity of user involvement in the early stages of new product development’, International Marketing and Purchasing Group, 20th Annual Conference, Copenhagen, September 2-4th, pp. 1-20.
Lynch, Patrick J. and O’Toole, Tom (2004), ‘A study of the practice of user involvement in the early stages of new product development’, 11th International Product development Conference, Dublin, Ireland, EIASM, pp. 811-827.
Holden, M.T. and O’Toole, T. (2004), “A Quantitative Investigation of Mohr and Nevin (1990) Proposed Link Between Relationship Structure and Communication from a relationship Perspective”, in Cron, William L. and Low, George S., editors, AMA Winter Educators Conference, Scottsdale, Arizona, pp. 313-314.
Lynch, P. and O’ Toole, T. (2003), “After Von Hippel: The State of User Involvement research In New Product Development”, in Proceedings of the 19th Annual IMP Conference 4th-6th September, Lugano, pp. 1-18.
Holden, MT and O’ Toole, T. (2003), “An Empirical Exploration of Communication’s Role in the Governance of Manufacturer-Retailer Relationships”, in Proceedings of the 7th International CRM Research Conference on Relationship Marketing, Berlin, June 22nd-25th, pp. 431-445.
O’ Toole, T. and Harrington, D. (2003), “Boundaries and Interfaces in Management”, Irish Journal of Management, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 1-6.
O’ Toole, T. and Donaldson, W. G. (1999), “Making Relational Assessments Using the Relationship Strength Construct”, Proceedings of the 15th Annual IMP Conference, UCD, pp. 1-12.
O’ Toole, T. (1999), “Buyer-Seller Relationships: The Role of external Context”, Proceedings of the Biennial World Marketing Congress of the Academy of Marketing Sciences (US), Malta, pp. 490-494.
O’ Toole, T. and Donaldson, W. G. (1999), “Performance Dimensions of Buyer-Supplier Relationships”, Proceedings of the Marketing Metrics Seminar, Special conference of the Academy of Marketing/ Chartered Institute of Marketing (UK), May, pp. 155-168.
O’ Toole, T. (1999), “Practice Learning Methods in Undergraduate Business Education: Projects and Other Methods”, Academy of Marketing Conference Proceedings, Sterling, pp. 1406-1419.
O' Toole, T. (1999), "Inter-firm Relational Performance Domain: Review and Empirical Observations", Academy of Marketing Conference Proceedings, Sterling, pp. 1390-1405.
O' Toole, T. (1998), "Relationships as Competitive Advantage: Sustainable or Ephemeral", Irish Academy of Management Conference, NUIG, September, pp. 1-11.
Donaldson, W. G. and O' Toole, T. (1997), "Relationship Governance: The Link Between Structure and Performance Outcomes In Industrial Markets", Proceedings of American Marketing Association Conference on New and Evolving Paradigms: The Emerging Future of Marketing, 12th-15th June, Dublin, pp. 576-590.

As a School of Business, we believe in reaching out to our community – secondary schools, businesses, non-for-profit organisations, government bodies and agencies - linking our students and our knowledge to serve society.  We partner with many organisations, for example, with employers on work placement, international universities on study abroad programmes, with enterprise education through Junior Achievement Ireland ( in providing enterprise education opportunities to primary and secondary schools.

Across all the education programmes we offer there are opportunities for our partners to contribute and cooperate to create new learning opportunities, and to access the knowledge of our students and our staff.  In addition, all of our research impacts directly on our partners who cooperate with it. 
One of our partnership projects that we are proud of is our ‘live lab’ for entrepreneurs and enterprises.  This is where we solve real problems for businesses through applying the creativity of our staff and students to a particular problem or through providing a structure to support new high potential businesses to grow.

Dr. O’Toole is engaged in much knowledge exchange through his research as an expert in his area.  In addition, he has developed considerable experience in quality assurance of business and management higher education.  This is evidenced in his role as examiner, in standard setting, in review, and in accreditation.

Currently, Dr. O’Toole is member of the board of Kilkenny Arts festival, the Nagle Centre and on the Waterford City Development Board.  He has been recognised for his contribution to the practice of marketing in Ireland by being awarded Fellow of the Marketing Institute of Ireland ( in 2005.  In addition, Dr. O’Toole was recognised for his contribution to management education in Ireland in 2012 by being made a Fellow of the Irish Academy of Management (