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'Sinead is a qualified barrister of law and graduate of geography and international marketing and languages (French, German) having studied at the Honorable Society of the King’s Inns, University College Cork, Dublin City University and DePaul University Chicago, Illinois, US. She was the recipient of the Waterford Crystal Scholarship for undergraduate studies, and the DePaul Ireland scholarship for postgraduate studies. As part of her undergraduate programme at DCU, she participated in the Erasmus + programme and spent a year at University of Jean Moulin 3 in Lyons, France, and she has also taken a short programme in law at Fudan University, Shanghai, China. 

She was appointed International Affairs Manager at SETU Waterford Campus in 2002, where she and her team have worked to promote Irish third level education and SETU all over the world, internationalize the university, develop a network of strategic partnerships and foster international diplomacy and relations. Prior to this, Sinead worked in University College Dublin as college lecturer where she taught occasionally in Hong Kong and Singapore. She is interested in geography, international relations and all areas of law.