- Graduate Diploma in Commercial Computing, Class of 2003, GPA 3.96 on a scale of 4.0, Waterford Institute of Technology, Waterford, Ireland
- Ph.D., National University of Ireland Galway, Galway, Ireland, Class of 1997, Thesis: Complexification of Multilinear Mappings and Polynomials on Normed Spaces.
- M.A. in Mathematics, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio, USA, Class of 1994, GPA 4.0 on a scale of 4.0.
- M.Sc. in Mathematical Science, National University of Ireland Galway, Galway, Ireland, Class of 1992, Thesis: An Investigation of Minimal Surfaces.
- B.Sc. in Mathematical Science, National University of Ireland Galway, Galway, Ireland, Class of 1991, First Class Honours.
Waterford Institute of Technology, Waterford, Ireland
Lecturer, 1996-2003 & 2004-present
- Lectured in mathematics on almost all programmes in the Department of Computing, Maths \& Physics.
- Lectured on a large number of programmes in the Departments of Chemical & Life Sciences, Health & Exercise, Engineering Technology, and the Built Environment.
- Led maths support for students in WIT and I have been to the forefront of innovative approaches to lecturing and assessment of mathematics.
- Engaged in, and led, course development on a wide variety of programmes and school reviews in the schools of Science, Engineering and Humanities.
National University of Ireland Galway, Galway, Ireland
Lecturer, 2003-2004
- Lectured in Algebra, Calculus, Advanced Calculus, Complex Variables and Functional Analysis.
- Supervised an M.Sc.thesis.
Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, Galway, Ireland
Lecturer, 1995-1996
- Lectured in Algebra, Calculus, Statistics and Quality Control.
National University of Ireland Galway, Galway, Ireland
Tutor, 1994-1996
Delivered tutorials in Algebra, Calculus, Engineering Maths and Topology.
Kent State University, Kent, OH, USA
Teaching Assistant, 1992-1994
Lectured in College Algebra and Introduction to College Mathematics.
Completed the Kent State University Teaching of Mathematics programme.
National University of Ireland Galway, Galway, Ireland
Tutor, 1989-1992
- Delivered tutorials in Algebra, Calculus, Complex Variables and Maths Physics.
My main area of interest is in Functional Analysis. In particular, I am interested in multilinear mappings, polynomials and tensor products on infinite dimensional normed spaces. I have previously worked on extremal n-homogeneous real polynomials and I have developed a comprehensive theory of complexifications of infinite dimensional normed spaces. I am currently developing a concept of Quasi-Integral Polynomials. This complements work that I have done on the extendibility of n-homogeneous polynomials. I have almost completed a paper entitled "Quasi-Integral Polynomials on Banach Spaces''.
I have refereed numerous articles for the Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. I organised a two-day conference in 1998 in my research area with speakers from Ireland, Spain and the USA.
I have previously collaborated with with Dr. Peter McLoughlin (Waterford Institute of Technology) on a project to determine polar solvent residues. We were funded by the Enterprise Ireland Strategic Research Grant Scheme. My role involved the determination of diffusion coefficients for the Diffusion of Gases into Polymer Films. I worked with 4 Ph.D. students in this team.
Academic Leadership, Management and External Services
Head of Department of Computing & Mathematics, Waterford Institute of Technology, Waterford, Ireland, 2014-2019
- Managed the department with 64 staff and approximately 600 students
- Managed the updating of the department's curriculum through the 2016 Programmatic Review
- Managed the development of a number of new programmes, including
- BSc (Hons) in the Internet of Things
- BSc (Hons) in Software System Practice in conjunction with the National University of Information Science & Technology, Nanjing, China
- Managed the migration of programmes to online delivery
Academic Council, Waterford Institute of Technology, Waterford, Ireland, Elected Member, 2010-2012
- Agenda Setting Committee
- Academic Quality Committee
- I was involved in the development of the WIT policy document on The Role of the External Examiner.
Academic Council, Waterford Institute of Technology, Waterford, Ireland, Elected Member, 2001-2003
- Awards and Admissions Committee
- Research & Development Committee
- Screening committee for postgraduate applications
- Academic Council Communications Officer
- Appeals coordinator for the School of Humanities
- I was involved in the development of the WIT policy documents on Post-graduate Research, Quality Assurance, and Marks and Standards.
External Examiner, Cork Institute of Technology, Cork, Ireland, 2010-2013
- I was the module external examiner for 35 mathematics modules in Science, Business and Engineering.
Branch Secretary, Teachers' Union of Ireland, Waterford Institute of Technology, Waterford, Ireland, 2010-2012
- WIT/TUI Industrial Relations Forum
- 2012 TUI National Congress Organising Committee
- TUI Colleges Advisory Committee
Equality Officer, Teachers' Union of Ireland, Waterford Institute of Technology, Waterford, Ireland, 2014
- TUI National Equality Committee
Mathematics & Science Outreach Activities
I am very proud of my involvement in a range of outreach activities, in particular the fact that Maths Week Ireland is a WIT initiative and WIT's presence at the Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition. Maths Week is now bigger than the longer-running and better-funded Science Week, and groups in the U.K., Spain and the U.S.A. are examining how they could replicate its format with the same impact. Each year the stand run by CALMAST at the Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition is bigger in scale than all of the universities combined and has the greatest impact of all exhibitors on the 40,000 visitors.
- Maths Week Ireland: I have been involved with Maths Week Ireland since its inception in WIT by Sheila Donegan and Eoin Gill in 2005. In recent years I have taken on a coordinator role. Last summer I attended two conferences and a short course in the USA in this role. Arising from the conferences I have had an article on Maths Week Ireland in the Numberplay Blog in the New York Times. I am currently writing a book for leaving certificate students on probability based on the short course that I attended.
- Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition: I have developed a range of displays for the WIT stand at the Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition. I have presented a wide range of activities at the Exhibition over the past 6 years.
- ESB Maths Programme: I have created and delivered a distance learning programme specifically tailored for the ESB to prepare apprentice electricians for advanced entry onto electrical engineering degrees in CIT and DIT. This programme has subsequently been used to prepare qualified electricians for direct entry to WIT's B.Eng. in Electrical Engineering; to prepare former Talk Talk workers for entry to a B.Sc. programme, and for foreign students preparing for advanced entry in a variety of engineering programmes.
- Schools' Talks: I have delivered numerous school and public lectures on mathematics-related topics every year for the past 10 years. In particular I delivered 15 school talks during the Autumn semester in 2013 in Waterford City, Thomastown, Kilkenny City and Borris, Co. Carlow.
- Public Events: I have engaged in a range of activities at the WIT stand at a variety of public events such as Spraoi in the Park and Waterford Food Week.
I have collaborated extensively on a range of initiatives with colleagues in a large number of universities and institutes of technology. I have a strong track-record of engaging with stakeholders and external bodies.
- Professional Diploma in Maths for Teachers: I am the WIT representative on the steering committee for this national programme for upskilling out-of-field maths teachers. This is a partnership between the National Centre of Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching and Learning in the University of Limerick, NUI Galway, University College Dublin and 6 Institutes of Technology. This programme was the initiative of Minister Se\'an Sherlock.
- Maths Learning Centre in WIT: I was successful in setting up a Maths Learning Centre in WIT in 2009. I, with Sheila Donegan and Eoin Gill, presented a 150 page strategic policy document which resulted in an excellent new venue for the Maths Learning Centre and CALMAST activities. I hope to see these initiatives greatly expanded in the coming years.
- Maths & Stats Teaching Community of Practice on the NDLR: I founded this online community on the National Digital Learning Repository in partnership with Dr. Paul Robinson (IT Tallaght), Dr. Joan Cleary (IT Tralee) and Dr. Eamon Costello (DCU).
- Irish National Conference in Maths & Stats Service Teaching: I founded this series of conferences in partnership with Dr. Paul Robinson (IT Tallaght) and Dr. Joan Cleary (IT Tralee), funded by the NDLR.
- 3rd National Conference in Maths & Stats Service Teaching, May 2008: I was the principal organiser of the third version of this conference. It was attended by delegates from every Institute of Technology and University in Ireland.
- Mature Student Maths Programme: I set up a programme in 2009 to assist Mature Students with the transition to third level mathematics.
- Irish Mathematics Learning Support Network: I, along with a number of colleagues from a number of Institutes of Technology and Universities, founded this network with a view to sharing best practice in this area.
- Maths/Physics Seminar Series: I, along with Dr. Claire Keary, have organised this seminar series from 2006-2013. This is WIT's longest running seminar series.
- Donal Flavin Memorial Lecture: I, along with Dr. Claire Keary, have organised this lecture from 2009-2013.
Peer-reviewed Mathematics Publications
- Kirwan, P. (2001), 'Complexification of multilinear mappings and polynomials', Math. Nachr.231, 39-68.
- Kirwan, P. (2000), 'Complexification norms and estimates for polynomials', Extracta Math. 15(2), 277-282.
- Kirwan, P. (2000), 'On an error by A.E. Taylor', Bull. Irish Math. Soc. 44, 66-75.
- Kirwan, P., A. Tonge & Y.Sarantopolous (1999), 'Extremal homogeneous polynomials on real normed spaces', J. of Approx. Theory 97(2), 201-213.
- Kirwan, P. & R. A. Ryan (1998), 'Extendibility of homogeneous polynomials on Banach spaces', Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 26(4), 1023-1029.
Peer-reviewed Chemistry Publications
- Kirwan, P, P. McLoughlin et al. (2007), 'The development of novel organically modified sol-gel media for use with ATR/FTIR sensing', Analyst 132(3), 224-229.
- Kirwan, P. & K. Murphy et al. (2006), 'A comparison of polymeric materials as pre-concentrating media for use with ATR-FTIR sensing', Int. J. of Env. Anal. Chem. 86(6), 401-415.
- Kirwan, P., B. Murphy, K. Flavin, K. Murphy & P. McLoughlin (2005), 'Modelling of Fickian diffusion to enhance polymer-modified sensor performance', Sensor. Actuat. B-Chem. 107(1), 170-177.
- Kirwan, P., B. Murphy & P. McLoughlin (2003), 'Investigation into polymer-diffusant interactions using ATR-FTIR spectroscopy', Vib. Spectrosc. 33(1-2), 75-82.
- Kirwan, P., B. Murphy & P. McLoughlin (2003), 'Study of the impact of penetrant characteristics upon diffusion into teon membranes to further assess the performance of an ATR-FTIR sensor', Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 377(1), 195-202.
- Kirwan, P., R. Howley, B. MacCraith, K. O'Dwyer, H. Masterson & P. McLoughlin (2003), 'Determination of hydrocarbons using sapphire fibers coated with poly(dimethylsiloxane)', Appl. Spectrosc. 57(4), 400-406.
- Kirwan, P., R. Howley, B. MacCraith, K. O'Dwyer & P. McLoughlin (2003), 'A study of the factors affecting diffusion of chlorinated hydrocarbons into polyisobutylene and polyethylene-co-propylene for evanescent wave sensing', Vib. Spectrosc. 31(2), 271-278.
- Kirwan, P., V. Dobbyn, R. Howley & P. McLoughlin (2003) 'Measurement of the rates of diffusion of haloforms into polymer films using ATR-FTIR spectroscopy', Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 83(7-8), 643-652.
Invited Talks
- Kirwan, P. (May, 2010) 'How MathXL/Coursecompass changed my assessments', 5th MSTL Conference, IT Carlow.
- Kirwan, P. (June 2006) 'Some properties of spaces of multilinear mappings and spaces of polynomials', Analysis Seminar, Trinity College Dublin.
- Kirwan, P. (March 2006) 'MathTutor-A multimedia package in mathematics education for 14-19 year olds', Irish Mathematics Teachers Association Meeting, Waterford Teachers Centre.
- Kirwan, P. (December 2005) 'Tensor multinorms', 9th Conference on Function Theory on Infinite Dimensional Banach Spaces, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain.
- Kirwan, P. (May, 2005) 'Visualising Mathematics', 1st MSTL Conference, IT Tralee.
- Kirwan, P. (February 2005) 'Quasi-integral polynomials on Banach spaces', Conference of Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Kent State University, Ohio, USA.
- Kirwan, P. (May 2004) 'Polynomials on Banach spaces', Seminar, National University of Ireland, Galway.
- Kirwan, P. (September. 2003) 'Mathematical Modelling of Chemical Diffusion', Irish Mathematical Society September Meeting, National University of Ireland, Galway.
- Kirwan, P. (November 2002) 'Khinchine's inequalities', Technical report, Analysis Seminar, University College Dublin.
- Kirwan, P. (January 2002) 'Mathematical modelling of diffusion in polymers', Mathematics and Physics Seminars, Waterford Institute of Technology.
- Kirwan, P. (December 2001) 'Extendibility of polynomials on Banach spaces', 7th Conference on Function Theory on Infinite Dimensional Banach Spaces, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain.
- Kirwan, P. (February 2001) 'Cryptography-Is it still safe?', Mathematics and Physics Seminars, Waterford Institute of Technology.
- Kirwan, P. (February 2001) 'A characterization of real Hilbert spaces using the Bochnak complexification norm', Analysis Seminar, University College Dublin.
- Kirwan, P. (November 2000)'Extremal n-homogeneous polynomials on Banach spaces', Belfast Functional Analysis Day, Queens University Belfast.
- Kirwan, P. (November 1998) 'Complexification Norms and Estimates for Polynomials', 3rd Conference on Banach Spaces, University of Extremadura, Spain.
- Kirwan, P. (June 1998) “Extendibility of Homogeneous Polynomials”, Waterford Meeting in Functional Analysis, Waterford Institute of Technology.