- Ph.D in Mathematics, Institute of Technology Tralee, 2010
- M.SC in Mathematics, University of Cyprus, 2004
- BSc (Hons) in Mathematics, University of Cyprus, 2001
Waterford Institute of Technology, Waterford, Ireland - Lecturer (2015-present)
- Introductory Calculus,
- Advanced Engineering Maths,
- Applied Calculus,
- Maths for Scientists,
- Introductory Maths,
- Statistical Analysis,
- Mathematics Fundamentals,
- Applied Maths for Agriculture Scientists,
- Maths for Business.
Federal University of Manaus, Brazil - Assistant Lecturer (2014-2015)
- Undergraduate courses: Geometry I, Introduction in Analysis,
- Graduate courses: Analysis in R^n, Differential forms.
University of Cyprus - Visiting Assistant Lecturer (2011-2013)
- Engineering mathematics, Calculus I and Calculus II.
My main area of research is in Riemannian and pseudo-Riemannian geometry, submanifold theory and the spaces of oriented geodesics of certain manifolds.
Peer-Reviewed Publications:
- N. Georgiou, Null hypersurfaces in 4-manifolds endowed with a product structure, Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 1-12. doi:10.1017/S0017089523000319 (2023)
- N.Georgiou and B. Guilfoyle, Almost Paracomplex Structures on 4-Manifolds, Differ. Geom. Appl., 82, 10.1016/j.difgeo.2022.101890 (2022)
- N. Georgiou, M. Dussan and M. A. Magid, Minimal surfaces in the product of two dimensional real space forms endowed with a neutral metric, Kodai Math. J. 45, 117-142 (2022)
- N.Georgiou and B. Guilfoyle, A new geometric structure on tangent bundles, Journal of Geometry and Physics, DOI: 10.1016/j.geomphys.2021.104415 (2022)
- N. Georgiou and B. Guilfoyle, The causal topology of neutral 4-manifolds with null boundary, New York J. Math. 27, 477–507 (2021)
- N. Georgiou, A para-Kähler structure in the space of oriented geodesics in a real space form. Journal of Geometry 111, 41 (2020)
- N. Georgiou, B. Guilfoyle, Hopf hypersurfaces in spaces of oriented geodesics, Journal of Geometry 108, 1129-1135 (2017)
- N. Georgiou, B. Guilfoyle, W. Klingenberg, Totally null surfaces in neutral Kaehler 4-manifolds, Balkan Journal of Geometry and Its Applications 21, 27-41 (2016)
- N. Georgiou, G. A. Lobos, On Hamiltonian minimal submanifolds in the space of oriented geodesics in real space forms, Archiv der Mathematik 106, 285-293 (2016)
- N. Georgiou, Lagrangian immersions in the product of Lorentzian two manifold, Geometriae Dedicata 178, 1-13 (2015)
- H. Anciaux, N. Georgiou, Hamiltonian stability of Hamiltonian minimal Lagrangian submanifolds in pseudo- and para- Kahler manifolds, Advances in Geometry 14, 587-612 (2014)
- N. Georgiou, B. Guilfoyle, Marginally trapped surfaces in spaces of oriented geodesics, Journal of Geometry and Physics 82, 1-12 (2014)
- N. Georgiou, On minimal Lagrangian surfaces in the product of Riemannian two manifolds, Tohoku Mathematical Journal 67, 137-152 (2013)
- N. Georgiou, On area stationary surfaces in the space of oriented geodesics of hyperbolic 3-space, Mathematica Scandinavica 111, 187-209 (2012)
- N. Georgiou, B. Guilfoyle, A characterization of Weingarten surfaces in hyperbolic 3-space, Abhandlungen Aus Dem Mathematischen Seminar Der Universitat Hamburg 80, 233-253 (2010)
- N. Georgiou, B. Guilfoyle, On the space of oriented geodesics of hyperbolic 3-space, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 40, 1183-1219 (2010)
Papers in Preprints:
- The Blaschke-Lebesgue problem for constant width bodies of revolution, in collaboration with Henri Anciaux, arXiv:0903.4284
- N. Georgiou, The geometry of the space of oriented geodesics of hyperbolic 3- space, PhD thesis,Institute of Technology Tralee, Ireland, 2009
- N. Georgiou, Grassmann Manifolds and the Moduli Space of Metric 2-Step Nilpotent Lie Algebra, Master's thesis, University of Cyprus, 2003
Conference and seminar presentations:
- April 2022 - Almost Paracomplex Structure on 4-manifolds, Irish Geometry Seminar, (Ireland)
- June 2018 - The space of oriented geodesics in 3-dimensional real space forms, Geometric Computation and Applications workshop. Trinity College, Dublin, (Ireland)
- May 2017 - Minimal Surfaces in the product of 2-mainfolds, Annual Irish Geometry Conference, Maynooth University, Maynooth (Ireland)
- February 2017 - Submanifolds in the space of oriented geodesics in 3-dimensional real space forms, Department of Mathematics & Statistics Colloquia, Maynooth University, Maynooth (Ireland)
- May 2016, The space of oriented geodesics in three dimensional real space forms, Seminar Series in Mathematics & Physics, Waterford Institute of Technology (Ireland)
- May 2015 - Minimal surfaces in the product of pseudo-Riemannian two manifolds, 12th Panhellenic Congress of Geometry, Salonica (Greece)
- May 2014 - Minimal immersions in the product of two manifolds, Seminario Conjunto de Geometria Diferencial, Instituto de Matematica e Estatestica, Universidade de Sao Paulo (Brasil)
- May 2014 - Lagrangian immersions in the product of two manifolds, Geometry Seminar at KU Leuven (Belgium)
- March 2014 - Minimal Lagrangian surfaces in the product of Riemannian or Lorentzian surfaces, Geometry Seminar, University of Durham (United Kingdom)
- October 2013 - Examples of neutral Kahler four manifolds, Seminario de Geometria y Topologia, the University of the Basque Country (Spain)
- April 2013 - The space of oriented geodesics in three dimensional space forms, Geometric Seminar at Aristotle University, Thessaloniki (Greece)
- February 2013 - The surface theory of a neutral, conformally at Kahler 4-manifold , Mathematic Seminar at EUC (Cyprus)
- February 2012 - The Hamiltonian stability of H-minimal Lagrangian submanifolds in pseudo and para-Kahler manifolds , Mathematic Seminar, University of Cyprus (Cyprus)
- March 2011 - The Hamiltonian stability of area-stationary Lagrangian surfaces in the space of oriented geodesics in hyperbolic 3-space , Coloquio de Matematica, Instituto de Matematica e Estatastica, Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos (Brasil)
- March 2011 - The H-stability of H-minimal Lagrangian surfaces in pseudo-Riemannian Kahler manifolds , Seminario Conjunto de Geometria Diferencial, Instituto de Matematica e Estatestica, Universidade de Sao Paulo (Brasil)
- December 2010 - The spaces of oriented geodesics and applications to geometry, MathematicsSeminar, Frederick University (Cyprus)
- December 2010 - On area-stationary surfaces in the space of oriented geodesics of hyperbolic 3-space, Geometry Seminar, University of Durham (United Kingdom)
- April 2009 - The geometry of the space of oriented geodesics of hyperbolic 3-space and the submanifold theory, Geometry and Topology Splinter Group, BMC/IMS, National University of Ireland, Galway (Ireland)
- December 2008 - The space of oriented geodesics of hyperbolic 3-space, Mathematic Seminar University of Cyprus (Cyprus)
- June 2008 - The Geometry of the space of oriented geodesics of hyperbolic 3-space, Geometric Seminar, Humboldt University (Germany)
- January 2008 - Hyperbolic geometry, Research Institute Seminar, Institute of Technology Tralee (Ireland)
Peer-Reviewed Publications:
- N. Georgiou, Null hypersurfaces in 4-manifolds endowed with a product structure, Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 1-12. doi:10.1017/S0017089523000319 (2023)
- N.Georgiou and B. Guilfoyle, Almost Paracomplex Structures on 4-Manifolds, Differ. Geom. Appl., 82, 10.1016/j.difgeo.2022.101890 (2022)
- N. Georgiou, M. Dussan and M. A. Magid, Minimal surfaces in the product of two dimensional real space forms endowed with a neutral metric, Kodai Math. J. 45, 117-142 (2022)
- N.Georgiou and B. Guilfoyle, A new geometric structure on tangent bundles, Journal of Geometry and Physics, DOI: 10.1016/j.geomphys.2021.104415 (2022)
- N. Georgiou and B. Guilfoyle, The causal topology of neutral 4-manifolds with null boundary, New York J. Math. 27, 477–507 (2021)
- N. Georgiou, A para-Kähler structure in the space of oriented geodesics in a real space form. Journal of Geometry 111, 41 (2020)
- N. Georgiou, B. Guilfoyle, Hopf hypersurfaces in spaces of oriented geodesics, Journal of Geometry 108, 1129-1135 (2017)
- N. Georgiou, B. Guilfoyle, W. Klingenberg, Totally null surfaces in neutral Kaehler 4-manifolds, Balkan Journal of Geometry and Its Applications 21, 27-41 (2016)
- N. Georgiou, G. A. Lobos, On Hamiltonian minimal submanifolds in the space of oriented geodesics in real space forms, Archiv der Mathematik 106, 285-293 (2016)
- N. Georgiou, Lagrangian immersions in the product of Lorentzian two manifold, Geometriae Dedicata 178, 1-13 (2015)
- H. Anciaux, N. Georgiou, Hamiltonian stability of Hamiltonian minimal Lagrangian submanifolds in pseudo- and para- Kahler manifolds, Advances in Geometry 14, 587-612 (2014)
- N. Georgiou, B. Guilfoyle, Marginally trapped surfaces in spaces of oriented geodesics, Journal of Geometry and Physics 82, 1-12 (2014)
- N. Georgiou, On minimal Lagrangian surfaces in the product of Riemannian two manifolds, Tohoku Mathematical Journal 67, 137-152 (2013)
- N. Georgiou, On area stationary surfaces in the space of oriented geodesics of hyperbolic 3-space, Mathematica Scandinavica 111, 187-209 (2012)
- N. Georgiou, B. Guilfoyle, A characterization of Weingarten surfaces in hyperbolic 3-space, Abhandlungen Aus Dem Mathematischen Seminar Der Universitat Hamburg 80, 233-253 (2010)
- N. Georgiou, B. Guilfoyle, On the space of oriented geodesics of hyperbolic 3-space, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 40, 1183-1219 (2010)
Papers in Preprints:
- The Blaschke-Lebesgue problem for constant width bodies of revolution, in collaboration with Henri Anciaux, arXiv:0903.4284
- N. Georgiou, The geometry of the space of oriented geodesics of hyperbolic 3- space, PhD thesis,Institute of Technology Tralee, Ireland, 2009
- N. Georgiou, Grassmann Manifolds and the Moduli Space of Metric 2-Step Nilpotent Lie Algebra, Master's thesis, University of Cyprus, 2003
Conference and seminar presentations:
- April 2022 - Almost Paracomplex Structure on 4-manifolds, Irish Geometry Seminar, (Ireland)
- June 2018 - The space of oriented geodesics in 3-dimensional real space forms, Geometric Computation and Applications workshop. Trinity College, Dublin, (Ireland)
- May 2017 - Minimal Surfaces in the product of 2-mainfolds, Annual Irish Geometry Conference, Maynooth University, Maynooth (Ireland)
- February 2017 - Submanifolds in the space of oriented geodesics in 3-dimensional real space forms, Department of Mathematics & Statistics Colloquia, Maynooth University, Maynooth (Ireland)
- May 2016, The space of oriented geodesics in three dimensional real space forms, Seminar Series in Mathematics & Physics, Waterford Institute of Technology (Ireland)
- May 2015 - Minimal surfaces in the product of pseudo-Riemannian two manifolds, 12th Panhellenic Congress of Geometry, Salonica (Greece)
- May 2014 - Minimal immersions in the product of two manifolds, Seminario Conjunto de Geometria Diferencial, Instituto de Matematica e Estatestica, Universidade de Sao Paulo (Brasil)
- May 2014 - Lagrangian immersions in the product of two manifolds, Geometry Seminar at KU Leuven (Belgium)
- March 2014 - Minimal Lagrangian surfaces in the product of Riemannian or Lorentzian surfaces, Geometry Seminar, University of Durham (United Kingdom)
- October 2013 - Examples of neutral Kahler four manifolds, Seminario de Geometria y Topologia, the University of the Basque Country (Spain)
- April 2013 - The space of oriented geodesics in three dimensional space forms, Geometric Seminar at Aristotle University, Thessaloniki (Greece)
- February 2013 - The surface theory of a neutral, conformally at Kahler 4-manifold , Mathematic Seminar at EUC (Cyprus)
- February 2012 - The Hamiltonian stability of H-minimal Lagrangian submanifolds in pseudo and para-Kahler manifolds , Mathematic Seminar, University of Cyprus (Cyprus)
- March 2011 - The Hamiltonian stability of area-stationary Lagrangian surfaces in the space of oriented geodesics in hyperbolic 3-space , Coloquio de Matematica, Instituto de Matematica e Estatastica, Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos (Brasil)
- March 2011 - The H-stability of H-minimal Lagrangian surfaces in pseudo-Riemannian Kahler manifolds , Seminario Conjunto de Geometria Diferencial, Instituto de Matematica e Estatestica, Universidade de Sao Paulo (Brasil)
- December 2010 - The spaces of oriented geodesics and applications to geometry, MathematicsSeminar, Frederick University (Cyprus)
- December 2010 - On area-stationary surfaces in the space of oriented geodesics of hyperbolic 3-space, Geometry Seminar, University of Durham (United Kingdom)
- April 2009 - The geometry of the space of oriented geodesics of hyperbolic 3-space and the submanifold theory, Geometry and Topology Splinter Group, BMC/IMS, National University of Ireland, Galway (Ireland)
- December 2008 - The space of oriented geodesics of hyperbolic 3-space, Mathematic Seminar University of Cyprus (Cyprus)
- June 2008 - The Geometry of the space of oriented geodesics of hyperbolic 3-space, Geometric Seminar, Humboldt University (Germany)
- January 2008 - Hyperbolic geometry, Research Institute Seminar, Institute of Technology Tralee (Ireland)