Dr Michael Bergin
Head of Department of Law & Criminal Justice
Email: [email protected]
Dr Michael Bergin is Head of Department of Law & Criminal Justice, School of Humanities, SETU Waterford. He holds degrees from the School of Health and Social Care, College of Social Science, University of Lincoln, UK (PhD); University College Dublin (MMedSc) and University College Cork (BSc (Hons) Applied Psychology and Nursing).
He trained as a psychiatric nurse at Waterford Regional School of Psychiatric Nursing while clinically based at St. Canices Hospital, Kilkenny. He also trained as a general nurse having undertaken his postgraduate programme at Waterford Regional School of General Nursing, University Hospital Waterford from 1989-1991. He then held a number of clinical and management positions in the mental health services in the south east including Staff Nurse and Clinical Nurse Manager in the Acute Psychiatric Admissions, Community Mental Health Nurse and Project Manager for the Integration of the Carlow/Kilkenny Acute Psychiatric Services. He took up his first academic appointment in 2002 as a lecturer in Nursing at the Department of Nursing, WIT. He has a particular interest in the Productive Ward initiative having undergone training in the Productice Series, University of Warwickshire, UK.
Dr Bergin was awarded a PhD by research from the University of Lincoln, UK in 2012 with a thesis entitled ‘Realist Social Theory, Gender Awareness and Irish Mental Health Care: An Exploratory Analysis'. His Supervisors were: Professor John S. G. Wells (Head of School of Health Sciences, WIT) and Professor Sara Owen (Pro Vice Chancellor / Head of College of Social Science, University of Lincoln, UK). Examiners were Professor Alan White (University of Leeds) and Dr Dave Piggott (University of Lincoln, UK).
Dr Bergin has a strong interest in clinical education and is qualfied in the use of MITA teaching approaches. He is currently course leader for the MSc (Nursing) and BSc Psychiatric Nursing Programmes.
Principal areas of teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate levels are:
- Psychology
- Care of the Older Person
- Clinical Skills
- Research Methods
- Health
Research methods:
Specialising in realistic evaluation, adaptive theory, frameworks approach, grounded theory; qualitative data analysis and the use of NVivo software.
Research Group:
Health Informatics Research Group
Analysing Social Change
Methods Expertise:
- Realistic Evalution
- Adaptive Theory
- Use of Frameworks Analysis
- Grounded Theory
Prinicipal Areas of Research Interest:
My research interests are in the areas of stress and the workplace; codeine use/misuse; eplilepsy care; gender studies; mental health; nurse prescribing and nursing history.
I am currently involved in two funded EU projects:
1. DELAROSE(Delivering E-Learning to Reduce Occupational Stress in Employment) - end 2015 (LdV funded)
2. CODMISUSED (Over the counter codeine use, misuse and dependence) -Co-investigator with Dr Marie Claire Van Hout -end 2016 (FP7 funded).
Other projects include:
1. An Exploration of Mental Health Care Provision for People with Epilepsy using Experience Based Co-Design.
2. Longitudinal Study of the Views of Community Mental Health Nurses in Ireland to Nurse Prescribing.
Current and Previous Positions
Head of Department of Law & Criminal Justice 2020 -
Head of Department of Applied Arts, School of Humanities 2018 - 2020
Senior Lecturer, School of Health Sciences - 2017
Department of Lecturer, Department of Nursing & Health Care, from 2002-2017.
Project Officer, Carlow/Kilkenny Mental Health Services - 2000-2002
Clinical Nurse Manager 2, Kilkenny Mental Health Services, 1994-2000
Clinical Nurse Specialist - Community Mental Health Nurse
Committee Member, School of Health Sciences Research Ethics Committee
Fellow NHS Faculty for Improvement, UK
Ryan C. & Bergin M. (2021) Procedural Justice and Legitimacy in Prisons – A Review of Extant Empirical Literature, Criminal Justice & Behavior, 49, 2, 143-163, https://doi.org/10.1177/00938548211053367
Ryan C., Bergin M, Wells J. (2021) Work-related stress and well-being of direct care workers in intellectual disability services: A scoping review of the literature, International Journal of Developmental Disabilities 67 (1), 1-22
Bennett L., Bergin M. & Wells J. (2021) Exploring user empowerment and service improvement within an Irish epilepsy service using Checkland’s ‘Soft‐Systems’ approach, Journal of Nursing Management, 29, 4, 844-854, https://doi.org/10.1111/jonm.13227
Devine G. & Bergin M. (2020) Experiences of Frontline Workers’ Engagement with Mental Health Services for Homeless Adults in Ireland, European Journal of Homelessness, 14, 2, 129-147.
Bennett L., Bergin M. & Wells J. (2020) Exploring Dimensions of Empowerment from the Patients’ Perspective in One Specialist Epilepsy Service in Ireland, Journal of Patient Experience, https://doi.org/10.1177/2374373520948405
Devine G. & Bergin M. (2020) Mental Health Service Provision for Adults who are Homeless - Experiences of Front-Line Service Providers, Health Systems Research, Mental Health Services, NIHS, Volume 8, Issue 3, 63-64.
Ryan C. Bergin M. & Wells J. (2019) Work-Related Stress, Burnout and Well-Being of Direct Care Workers in Intellectual Disability Services: A Scoping Review of the Literature. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, DOI: 10.1080/20473869.2019.1582907.
Crowhurst N. Bergin M. & Wells J. (2019) Implications for nursing and healthcare research of the general data protection regulation and retrospective reviews of patients’ data, Nurse Researcher, doi: 10.7748/nr.2019.e1639
McCarthy B. Fitzgerald S. O'Shea M. Condon C. Hartnett-Collins G. Clancy M. Sheehy A. Denieffe S. Bergin M. & Savage E. (2018) Electronic nursing documentation interventions to promote or improve patient safety and quality care: a systematic review, November 2018, Journal of Nursing Management DOI: 10.1111/jonm.12727
Wells J. Bergin M. Connolly J. & Denieffe S. (2018) Narratives of Drowning - Exploring Family and Community Resilience International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education 11(2) DOI: 10.25035/ijare.11.02.03
Ryan C. Bergin M. Titze S. Ruf W. Kunz S. & Wells J. (2018) ECVET and ECTS credit equivalency in higher education – A bridge too far? European Journal Education, 1–11. DOI: 10.1111/ejed.12297
Ryan C., Bergin M., White M. & Wells J.S.G. (2018) Ageing in the nursing workforce – a global challenge in an Irish context, International Nursing Review (DOI) 10.1111/inr.12482
Wells J., Bergin M., Van Hout M.C., McGuinness P. De Pleissis J., Rich E.,Dada S., Wells R. & Gooney M. (2018) Purchasing Over The Counter (OTC) Medicinal Products Containing Codeine - Easy Access, Advertising, Misuse and Perceptions of Medicinal Risk, J Pharm Pharm Sci (www.cspsCanada.org) 21, 286 - 295, 2018.
Bergin M., Wells JSG & Owen S. (2017) Gender Sensitivity, Mental Health Care Provision and Minority Communities in Ireland: A Realist Analysis. Mental Health Human Resilience Int J., 1(1): 000106.
Ryan, C., Bergin, M. & Wells, J.S (2017) Theoretical Perspectives of Adherence to Web-Based Interventions: a Scoping Review International Journal Behavioral Medicine, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12529-017-9678-8
Van Hout, MC., Norman, I., Rich, E. & Bergin, M. (2017) Experiences of Codeine Use, Misuse and Dependence: Application of Liese and Franz’s Cognitive Developmental Model of Substance Abuse. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S1352465817000030
Published online: 10 February 2017, pp. 1-15.
Ryan, C., Bergin, M., Wells, J.S G. (2017) Valuable yet Vulnerable—A review of the challenges encountered by older nurses in the workplace. International Journal of Nursing Studies http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2017.04.006
Ryan, C., Bergin, M., Titze, S., Ruf, W., Kunz, S., Mazza, R., Chalder, T., Windgassen, S., & Wells, J.S.G (2017) Managing the Process of International Collaboration in Online Course Development: A Case Example involving Higher Education Institutions in Ireland, Switzerland, Austria and the United Kingdom. Innovative Higher Education. First Online: 26 April 2017 DOI: 10.1007/s10755-017-9399-6
Ryan C., Bergin, M., Chalder, T. & Wells JSG (2017) Web-Based Interventions for the Management of Stress in the Workplace: Focus, Form, and Efficacy, Journal of Occupational Health, March 2017, DOI: 10.1539/joh.16-0227-RA
Van Hout M.C., Rich E., Dada S. & Bergin M. (2017) “Codeine Is My Helper” : Misuse of and Dependence on Codeine-Containing Medicines in South Africa , Qualitative Health Research, 27 (3), 341-350.
Van Hout MC., Hearne E. & Bergin M. (2017) Buprenorphine-Naloxone in the Treatment of Codeine Dependence: a Scoping Review of Clinical Case Presentations, International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 5:224–237DOI 10.1007/s11469-016-9655-5
Norman, I., Bergin, M., Parry, C. & Van Hout, MC (2016) Best practices and innovations to manage codeine misuse and dependence. Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences. 19 (3) 367-381.
Barrett E. Denieffe S. Bergin M. & Gooney M. (2016) An exploration of paediatric nurses’ views of caring for infants who have suffered non-accidental injury, Journal of Clinical Nursing, DOI: 10.1111/jocn.13439
Bergin M., Wells JSG., & Owen S. (2016) Gender awareness, symptom expressions and Irish mental health care provision, Journal of Gender Studies, 25,2, 141-154, DOI:10.1080/09589236.2014.917950
Bennett L., Bergin M. & Wells J.S.G (2016) The social space of empowerment within epilepsy services: The map is not the terrain, Epilepsy & Behaviour, 56, 139-148, .http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.yebeh.2015.12.045
Carney T. Wells J. Bergin M. Dada S. Foley M. McGuiness P. Rapca A. Rich E. Van Hout MC (2016) A Comparative Exploration of Community Pharmacists’ Views on the Nature and Management of Over-the-Counter (OTC) and Prescription Codeine Misuse in Three Regulatory Regimes: Ireland, South Africa and the United Kingdom, International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, DOI 10.1007/s11469-016-9640-z
Bennett L., Bergin M. & Wells J.S.G. (2016) The potential of critical social theory as an educational framework for people with epilepsy, Epilepsy & Behavior 54, 80–87, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.yebeh.2015.10.029 1525-5050.
Bergin M., Norman I., Foley M., Harris R., Rapca A., Rich E. & Van Hout M.C. (2015) Practice implications and recommendations for managing codeine misuse and dependence, Acta Pharm. 65 351–364, DOI: 10.1515/acph-2015-0040.
Van Hout, M.C. Horan, A. Santlal, K. Rich E. & Bergin M. (2015) ‘Codeine is my companion’: misuse and dependence on codeine containing medicines in Ireland, Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine / FirstView Article / December 2015, pp 1 – 14, DOI: 10.1017/ipm.2015.60, Published online: 09 December 2015
Wells JSG & Bergin M. (2015) British Icons and Catholic Perfidy- Anglo-Saxon historiography and the battle for Crimean war nursing, Nursing Inquiry, , DOI: 10.1111/nin.12104.
B Dobrowolska, I McGonagle, R Kane, C Jackson, B Kegl, M Bergin, E Cabrera, D Cooney-Miner, V Di Cara, Z Dimoski, D Kekus, M Pajnkihar, N Prlić, Á. K. Sigurðardóttir, J. Wells & A Palese (2015) Patterns of clinical mentorship in undergraduate nurse education: a comparative case analysis of eleven EU and non-EU countries, Nurse Education Today, DOI:10.1016/j.nedt.2015.07.010 •
M Foley, R Harris, E Rich, A Rapca, M Bergin, I Norman, MC van Hout (2015) The availability of over-the-counter codeine medicines across the European Union, Public Health 07/2015; http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.puhe.2015.06.014
Wells, J.S.G. C. Ryan C. & Bergin M. (2015) ‘ROSE to DELAROSE’ - Developing and transitioning a web-based pan European self-help programme for the management of work related stress. 1st International Conference on Higher Education Advances, HEAd’15 Universitat Politècnica de València, València, 2015: DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4995/HEAd15.2015.390
Bennett l., Bergin M. Gooney M. Doherty C.P. Synnott C. & Wells JSG (2015) Epilepsy services in Ireland: ‘A survey of people with epilepsy in relation to satisfaction, preferences and information provision, Epilepsy Research, 113, 11-18. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eplepsyres.2015.03.006
Murphy L. Wells J. Lachman P. & Bergin M. (2015) A quality improvement initiative in Community Mental Health in the Republic of Ireland, Health Science Journal, 03/2015; 9(1:3):1-11
Van Hout, MC. Bergin, M. Foley, M. Rich, E. Rapca, AI. Harris, R. Norman I. (2014) A Scoping Review of Codeine Use, Misuse and Dependence, final report. CODEMISUSED Project European Commission 7th Framework Programme, EU. Brussels.
Palese A. Zabaleguil A. Sigurdardottor A. Bergin M. Dobrowolska B. Gasser C. Pajnkihar M. Jackson C. (2014) Bologna Process, More or Less: Nursing Education in the European Economic Area: A Discussion Paper, International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, Volume 11, Issue 1, ISSN (Online) 1548-923X, ISSN (Print) 2194-5772, DOI: 10.1515/ijnes-2013-0022
Bergin M., Wells JSG. , & Owen S. (2013) Gender Sensitivity and Mental Health Care Provision. In: Van Hout MC (Ed.). Drug Use and Abuse: Signs/Symptoms, Physical and Psychological Effects and Intervention Approaches. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science.
Bergin M., Wells JSG. , & Owen S. (2012) Towards a gendered perspective for Irish mental health policy and service provision, Journal of Mental Health, DOI: 10.3109/09638237.2017.714513, early online 1-11.
Bergin M. (2011) NVivo 8 and consistency in data analysis: reflecting on the use of a qualitative data analysis programme, Nurse Researcher, 18, 3 6-12.
Bergin M., Wells JSG. , & Owen S. (2010) Relating realist metatheory to issues of gender and mental health, Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 17, 442-451.
Wells, JSG, Bergin, M, Gooney, M & Jones, A (2009) Nurse Prescribing in Ireland: A Report on a Survey of Community Mental Health Nurses Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 16:10-17
Bergin, M, Wells, JSG, & Owen, S (2008) Critical Realism: a philosophical framework for the study of gender and mental health, Nursing Philosophy 9:169-179
Bergin M and Clarke J (2005) Mental Health in the Community, Mental Health and Social Policy in Ireland, University College Dublin Press
Daly J. and Bergin M. (2001) An anthology of poetry, prose and narrative, (eds) Kilkenny Mental Health Services, South Eastern Health Board, Kilkenny.
Invited Symposia
Bergin M. & Wells J. (2017) CODEMISUSED – Lessons Learned, Best Practices and Innovations, The Local Choice Conference, Emperors Convention Centre, Johannesburg, South Africa, 15-17th June
Wells J. & Bergin M. (2017) Occupational Stress and Pharmacy Workers: From ‘surviving to thriving’ - Effective Stress Management Approaches, The Local Choice Conference, Emperors Convention Centre, Johannesburg, South Africa, 15-17th June
Wells, JSG & Bergin, M (2016) A Burden to Bear – The Mental and Physical Demands on WW1 Stretcher Bearers RCN 100th Anniversary Commemorative Talks for the Battle of the Somme Cavendish Square London July 7th 2016
Wells J. & Bergin M. (2016) Codeine Use, Misuse and Dependence, 16th March, Faculty of the School of Nursing and Medicine, Universitat Barcelona, Barcelona.
Wells J. & Bergin M. (2015) ‘A Burden to Bear’ The Physical and Psycho-Social Demands Made on WW1 Stretcher Bearers, Behind the Poppy: The Hidden Histories of Caregiving in World War One, 12th November, Salisbury Green, University of Edinburgh.
Wells J. Bergin M. & Ryan C. (2015) ‘Building Staff Resilience When Working in a Challenging Environment’ Working in a Challenging Environment – Promoting Employee Engagement, Health and Well Being Conference, October, National Federation of Voluntary Bodies, Tullamore, Ireland.
Wells J. & Bergin M. (2015) CODEMISUSED Seminar, University of Maribor, Slovenia, May 11-12th 2015
Wells J. & Bergin M. (2015) Delarose Seminar, University of Maribor, Slovenia, May 11-12th 2015
Wells J. & Bergin M. (2015) European Research and Innovation – Negotiating Opportunities and Pitfalls, University of Maribor, Slovenia, May12th 2015
Wells J. & Bergin M. (2014) European Research and Innovation – Negotiating Opportunities and Pitfalls, University of Lincoln, UK, 1st May 2014
Wells J. & Bergin M. (2014) Delarose Seminar, Udine C Annual Meeting, School of Health Sciences, Mataro Tecno Campus, Barcelona 24-25 April 2014
Bergin M. & Wells J. (2014) CODMISUSED Seminar, Faculty of Nursing, St John Fischer College, Hosted by Dean of Faculty, Professor Dianne Cooney-Miner, Wegman’s School of Nursing, Rochester, New York, 23-24 June 2014
Wells J. & Bergin M. (2014) Delarose Seminar, Faculty of Nursing, St John Fischer College, Hosted by Dean of Faculty, Professor Dianne Cooney-Miner, Wegman’s School of Nursing, Rochester, New York, 23-24 June 2014
Wells J. & Bergin M. (2014) CODEMISUSED Seminar, Udine C Annual Meeting, School of Health Sciences, Mataro Tecno Campus, Barcelona 24-25 April 2014
Wells J. & Bergin M. (2013) Nurses, Angels and Demons: The complications of the relationship between Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole and the Irish Sisters of Mercy during the Crimea War and their subsequent legacy to combat nursing. Women in Warfare: From Troy to the Trenches; 12th to 14th June 2013, University of Edinburgh.
Bergin M. (2013) An exploratory analysis of gender socialization and mental health care provision in Ireland, 13 de març de 2013 Aula Magna. Universitat Barcelona Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 585 Barcelona (Plaça Universitat) Sharing Nursing’s Knowledge, International Scientific Meeting
Bergin M. (2008) Faculty of Health, Life and Social Sciences Postgraduate Showcase, Marrying metatheory and methodology – the research journey, 4th July, University of Lincoln, UK
Conference Presentations
Devine G. & Bergin M. (2019) Mental health service provision for adults who are homeless: experiences of front line service provider, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2019) 6 – 7th March 2019, Dublin
Devine G. & Bergin M. (2019) Mental Health Care for Homeless Adults: Front Line Staff Experiences.38th Annual International Nursing & Midwifery Research and Education Conference 27 - 28 February 2019, Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin.
Wells J.Denieffe S. Bergin M. &Connolly J. (2018) Narratives of drowning - exploring family and community resilience, Drowning Prevention and Rescue Research Conference, The Lifesaving Foundation, Glenroyal Hotel, Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland. 10th - 13th September
Wells J. & Bergin M. (2017) “To Walk Quietly Into a Hail of Lead to Bandage and Carry Away a Wounded Man, that is Worth Talking About”: The Physical and Psycho-Social Demands Made on Stretcher Bearers in the Royal Army Medical Corps During WWI, 34th Annual American Association for the History of Nursing Conference, Woodcliff Hotel and Spa, Fairport, Rochester, New York, September 7-9th.
Bergin M., McCarthy M., Bennett L & Wells JSG. (2017) People with Epilepsy and Irish Mental Health Care Provision, 25th International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services, Vienna, Austria, 12-14th April.
Ryan C. Bergin M. & Wells JSG (2017) A review of the challenges facing older nurses in the workplace, Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery, RCSI 36th Annual International Nursing & Midwifery Research and Education Conference 2017, Dublin.
Beagan M. Wells JSG & Bergin M. (2017) A Scoping Review of the Role Relationship between the Registered Nurse and Healthcare Assistant, Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery, RCSI 36th Annual International Nursing & Midwifery Research and Education Conference 2017, Dublin
Ryan C. Bergin M. & Wells JSG (2017) The Sure Project: Sustaining Resilience in Employment, Psychology Health and Medicine Conference, Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin
Egan A. & Bergin M. (2016) An exploration of G.P’s views and practices in relation to the care of patients with serious mental illness and Metabolic syndrome, Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds” - Improving Physical Health and Wellness of Mental Health Service Users. Health Service Executive, Thursday 1st December 2016, Regency Hotel, Dublin
Wells J. & Bergin M. (2016) 'To walk quietly into a hail of lead to bandage and carry away a wounded man, that is worth talking about'.- The Physical and Psycho-Social Demands Made on Stretcher Bearers in WW1, 17th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Contemplating the Past, Present and Future, 9 & 10 November, Trinity College Dublin.
Bennett L. Bergin M. & Wells J. (2016) Empowerment within Irish epilepsy services: An exploratory analysis. 17th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Contemplating the Past, Present and Future, 9 & 10 November, Trinity College Dublin.
Wells J., Bergin M. Ryan C. (2016) Web-Based Interventions for Work-Related Stress and Strain: A Scoping Review. 17th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Contemplating the Past, Present and Future, 9 & 10 November, Trinity College Dublin.
McCarthy M. Bennett L. Wells J. Bergin M. (2015) Mental Health Care Provision and People with Epilepsy: An Exploratory Analysis, 16th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Health, Wellbeing and Innovation: advancing research, practice and education, 4 – 5 November, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin.
Ryan C., Wells J. Bergin M. (2015) The DELAROSE project: Piloting a pan-European educational programme to support health and social care workers to manage their work-related stress16th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Health, Wellbeing and Innovation: advancing research, practice and education, 4 – 5 November, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin.
Bergin M. Ryan C. & Wells J. (2015) DELAROSE: Incentivising the Management of Work Based Stress, 23rd International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services, June2015, Oslo, Norway.
Wells J. & Bergin M. (2015) Building Resilience amongst stressed health and social care workers - The DELAROSE Project. Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery, 34th Annual International Nursing & Midwifery Research Conference, 8th & 9th February.
Wells J. & Bergin M. (2014) DELAROSE: Incentivising the Management of Work Based Stress, The Crisis in Health Care – Learning Lessons and Building Resilience, Annual Conference, Department of Nursing and Health Care, Waterford Institute of Technology, 4th December 2014
Bergin M. & Wells J. (2014) ROSE to DELAROSE: Reflections on obtaining EU funding for translational research, 14th Annual Nursing & Midwifery Research Conference, Catherine McAuley School of Nursing and Midwifery, Brookfield Health Sciences Complex University College Cork ,7th November 2014
Bennett L. Bergin M. & Wells J. (2014) The potential of Freire’s perspective on critical social theory for the study of education and people with epilepsy. 15th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, November, School of Nursing, Trinity College, Dublin
Bergin M. & Wells J. (2014) Delarose: Implications for community psychiatric nurses, Association of Community Mental health Nurses of Ireland Annual Meeting, 17th October, Athlone
Bergin M. & Wells J. (2014) Codedeine Use, Misuse and Dependence, Association of Community Mental health Nurses of Ireland Annual Meeting, 17th October, Athlone
Bennett L., Bergin M., Wells J.S.G. (2014) Patients’ perspectives of epilepsy services: a survey of patient satisfaction, preferences and information provision in people with epilepsy. 33rd Annual International Nursing and Midwifery Research and Education Conference. 20th February, School of Nursing, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Dublin.
Bennett L., Bergin M. & Wells J. (2013) The potential of critical social theory as a philosophical framework for the study of epilepsy care and empowerment, 14th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, November, School of Nursing, Trinity College, Dublin
Hayes C., Bergin M., Wells J. (2012) Organisational issues surrounding the merger of two acute psychiatric services in the South-East of Ireland, 13th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, 7-8th November, School of Nursing, Trinity College, Dublin
Bergin M., Wells J., Owen S. (2012) The Struggle between Lay and Professional Socialisation Processes: An Exploratory Analysis of Gender and Irish Mental Health Service Providers, 13th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, 7-8th November, School of Nursing, Trinity College, Dublin
Bergin M., Wells J., Owen S. (2012) Gender Awareness and Irish Mental Health Care - An Exploratory Analysis, Association of Community Mental Health Nurses of Ireland, Annual Conference, 0ctober 19th Limerick
Bergin M, Wells J. & Gooney M. (2012) Views of CMHNs on Prescribing – a follow up study. Association of Community Mental Health Nurses in Ireland, Annual Conference, October 19th Limerick
Bergin, M, Wells, JSG. & Owen, S (2011) The Case for ‘Social Domains Theory’ as a Social Ontology and ‘Adaptive Theory’ as a Methodological Approach for the study of Gender and Mental Health. 12th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Transforming Healthcare through Research and Education, 9th November Trinity College Dublin.
Bergin, M, Wells, JSG. & Owen, S (2011) A realist understanding of symptoms: A study of gender and mental health care provision in Ireland, The Sociological Association of Ireland (SAI) 38th Annual Conference, 6th-8th May Western Gateway, University College Cork,
Bergin, M., Wells, JSG. & Owen, S (2011) A realist understanding of symptoms: a study of gender and mental health care provision in Ireland International Nursing Research Conference – The Role of Nursing Research in Symptom Management and Palliative Care Inova Fairfax Hospital, Washington, USA April 7th & 8th
Bergin, M., Wells, JSG. & Owen, S. (2011) Gender Issues, Women and Mental Health Care Provision in Ireland, 4th World Congress on Women’s Mental Health, 16-19th Palacio de Congresos, March, Madrid, Spain
Bergin M. (2010) NVivo 8 and consistency in data analysis: A reflection on the use of a Qualitative Data (QDA) computer programme. 11th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Transforming Healthcare through Research and Education, 4th -5th November Trinity College Dublin.
Bergin M. Wells J. & Owen S. (2010) Mental health care provision in Ireland: a study of service providers, users and gender. Nordic Conference of Mental Health Nursing, September 7-9, Helsinki, Finland.
Bergin M. Wells J. & Owen S. (2010) An exploration of gender issues and mental health care provision in Ireland with particular reference to men. Muldisciplinary Approaches to Improving Men’s Health, HPRC, NUI Galway, 10-11th June.
Bergin M. Wells JSG. & Owen S. (2010) Building a gendered perspective for mental health care provision in Ireland: a study of service providers and users.European Psychiatric Nursing Congress: Building Bridges, Prague, Czech Republic, 15th - 17th April
Bergin M. Wells JSG. & Owen S. (2010) Gender Issues and Mental Health Care Provision in Ireland. 18th International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services "Tackling Causes and Consequences of Inequalities in Health: Contributions of Health Services and the HPH Network" April 14-16, Manchester, United Kingdom
Wells, JSG, Bergin, M & Gooney, M (2010) A follow up study on the views of community mental health nurses on prescribing 11th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Transforming Healthcare through Research, Education and Technology Trinity College Dublin
Bergin M. Wells J. & Owen S. (2009) Mental Health Care Provision in Ireland: a study of service providers, users and gender, 10th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Transforming Healthcare through Research, Education and Technology, 4th -5th November, Trinity College Dublin.
Bergin M. Wells J. & Owen S. (2009) Gender Issues and Mental Health Care Provision in Ireland (2009) Sociological Association of Ireland Annual Conference, Waterford Institute of Technology, May 8th – 10th.
Wells, J. Jackson, C. Bergin, M. Denny, M. Palese, A. & Zabalegui Yarnoz A (2009) Establishing a pan-European network to understand developmental issues for nurse educators – the UDINE C Project, Royal College of Nursing (UK), 2nd International Education Conference, Glasgow.
Wells, J. Denny, M. Bergin, M. Sheppard, J. Mullally, B. Sheahan, L. O'Neill, S. Murphy, T. McDonald, T.J. (2009) An Investigation into the Adoption of Technology by Primary Health Practitioners in the South East of Ireland, World Health Organisation Health Promoting Hospitals Conference, Crete
Sheppard, .J., Wells, JSG., Denny, M.,Bergin, M.. Mullally, B. Sheahan, S. O'Neill, S.. Murphy, T. & T. McDonal, T.J (2009) An Investigation into the Adoption of Technology by Primary Health Practitioners in the South East of Ireland. Meditel conference Meditel Conference:Brussels
Bergin, M; Wells, JSG & Owen, S (2008) Gender Issues and Mental Health Care Provision: A Service User’s Perspective, 9th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Transforming Healthcare through Research, Education and Technology, 5th -7th November Trinity College Dublin.
Bergin, M; Wells, JSG & Owen, S (2008) Beyond a Positivist and Constructivist Understanding for Gender and Mental Health – the potential for Critical Realism 9th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Transforming Healthcare through Research, Education and Technology, 5th -7th November Trinity College Dublin.
McDonald A. & Bergin M. (2008) The Views and Practices of community mental health Nurses in relation to Metabolic Syndrome (2008) 9th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Transforming Healthcare through Research, Education and Technology, 5th -7th November Trinity College Dublin.
Wells, JSG, Bergin, M & Gooney, M (2007) Community mental health nurse prescribing: the results of a preliminary study 8th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference 7th,8th & 9th Nov – Transforming Healthcare Through Research, Education and Technology Trinity College University of Dublin
Gooney, M, Wells, JSG, & Bergin, M,(2007) Community mental health nurse prescribing: the results of a preliminary study National AGM Community Mental Health Nurses Association of Ireland Nov
Bergin M. (2007) Association of Community Mental Health Nurses 5th Annual Conference, Managing Change in Community Psychiatric Care, chairperson, Lyrath Estate Hotel, Kilkenny
Denny, M; Bergin, M, Wells, JSG. (2006) ‘Webtat’ Utilising online computer assessment 7th International Nursing Research Conference Trinity College Dublin November 7th to 10th
Bergin M. (2005) Association of Community Mental Health Nurses (2005) Eastern Regional Meeting (1st June), Plaza Hotel, Dublin
Bergin M. (2005) Association of Community Mental Health Nurses of Ireland (2005) National Conference (March 2005), Athlone, Ireland