Dr. Lucy Hearne is a Lecturer in the School of Education and Lifelong Learning, Waterford Institute of Technology campus, SETU. She is a qualified guidance counsellor and adult educator with over 20 years experience as a practitioner, lecturer and researcher. She is an International Fellow of the National Institute of Career Education and Counselling (UK).
Dr. Hearne's teaching areas include lifelong learning, adult education policy, human development, research methods, and research integrity and ethics. She is also a research supervisor of Masters and PhD students encompassing the areas of lifelong learning, lifelong guidance, and post primary, further and adult education.
Dr. Hearne's research areas are lifelong lifelong learning, lifelong guidance, career development and reflective practice. From 2006 onwards Dr. Hearne has been a recipient of numerous research funding awards inlcuding the Irish Research Council (IRC) and Higher Education Institutional Seed Funds. She is currently the Principal Supervisor of a SERD PhD Scholarship investigating the role of adult learners in the co-creation of curriculum design in SETU. She has been a team researcher on a Erasmus+ policy experimentation research project in WIT in collaboration with stakeholders from Ireland, Malta and Norway. She is a member of two journal editorial advisory panels; International Journal of Educational and Vocational Guidance and British Journal of Guidance and Counselling. Dr. Hearne is on the academic researcher panel of the Teaching Council's Researcher in Residence Scheme for 2022-203 working on a project on restorative practice in a post primary school in Co.Kildare.
Supervised Postgraduate Research Students:
Petra Elftorp (2018) A study of the guidance counselling needs of adults with dyslexia within the Irish Adult Guidance Service. Awarded PhD by University of Limerick.
Eimear McDonnell (2021) A phenomenological approach to understanding guidance counsellor resilience in a context of post-primary school reform. Awarded PhD by University of Limerick.
Phil O'Leary (2023) A grounded theory study of the values, beliefs and assumptions in the Recognition of Prior Learning. Awarded PhD by University of Limerick.
Dan Mullane (2023) An exploration of pre-service technology teachers perceived preparedness to teach and promote well-being within Irish post-primary schools. Awarded Masters by Research (Education) by University of Limerick.
Current Postgraduate Research Students (PhD):
Gulmira Tussupbekova An investigation of the role of adult learners in the co-creation of curriculum design in lifelong learnings contexts in SETU. SERD Funded PhD Scholarship. SETU.
Fergal O'Hanlon An investigation of adolescent vocational identity formation within the Irish post primary sector. University of Limerick.
Academic Qualifications
2010: Doctor of Philosophy, WIT.
2000: Higher Diploma in Careers Guidance, UCD.
1998: BA in English and Applied Psychology, UCC.
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles (from 2012):
O’Toole, E., O’Flaherty, J. & Hearne, L. (2022) ‘Student support teams: Perceptions of the nature, scope and function in post-primary education’, Irish Educational Studies, DOI:10.1080/03323315.2022.2088594.
Hearne, L., Elftorp, P., DePaor, C. & Ryan, K. (2020) ‘An exploration of adult guidance practitioners’ experiences of policy and practice in the reformed Further Education and Training (FET) sector in Ireland’, British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, DOI:10.1080/03069885.2020.1811838.
Elftorp, P. & Hearne, L. (2020) ‘Understanding guidance counselling needs of adults with dyslexia through the lens of a critical-recognitive social justice perspective and a biopsychosocial model of disability’, Journal of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling, DOI: 10.20856/jnicec.4504.
Hearne, L. & Neary, S. (2020) ‘Let’s talk about career guidance in secondary schools! A consideration of the professional capital of school staff in Ireland and England’, International Journal of Educational and Vocational Guidance, DOI:10.1007/s10775-020-09424-5.
Hearne, L., King, P., Geary, T. & Kenny, N. (2018) 'Science of the singular'; An explanatory single case study of whole school guidance counselling in Ireland, International Journal of Educational and Vocational Guidance, DOI:10.1007/s10775-018-9363-8.
Hearne, L., Geary, T. & Martin, N. (2016) ‘Guidance counselling as a whole school responsibility in the Irish post primary sector’, British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, DOI: 10.1080/03069885.2016.1254725.
Leahy, E., O’Flaherty, J. & Hearne, L. (2016) ‘The ‘tyranny of time’: getting to the heart of the impact of educational cuts on the provision of guidance counselling in Ireland’, British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, DOI:10.1080/03069885.2016.1254722.
Hearne, L. & Galvin, J. (2014) ‘The role of the regular teacher in a wholeschool approach (WSA) to guidance counselling in Ireland’. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, DOI: 10.1080/03069885.2014.952622, pp.1-12.
Bimrose, J. & Hearne, L. (2012) ‘Resilience and Career Adaptability: Qualitative Studies of Adult Career Counseling’, Journal of Vocational Behaviour, 81(3) pp.38-344.
Hearne, L. (2011) ‘The Consideration of a Constructivist Evaluation Framework in Adult Guidance Practice’, Australian Journal of Career Development, 30, (3).
Research Reports (from 2012):
Bates Evoy, S., Dooly, Z., Flynn, S., Hearne, L. & Murphy, H. (2022) CITO 3: Policy Impact Evaluation Report. Available at:
Bates Evoy, S., Brett, V., Hearne, L., Murphy, H., O’Grady, M., Widger, L. & Dooly, Z. (2022) CITO Phase 2 Field Research Report. Available at:
Bates Evoy, S., Brett, V., Dooly, Z., Hearne, L., Murphy, H., O’Grady, M. & Widger, L. (2021) CITO Phase 1 Mapping Report. Available at:
Hearne, L., King, P., Kenny, N. & Geary, T. (2016) A Case Study Analysis of a Whole School Approach to Guidance Counselling in a Voluntary School in the Irish Post Primary Sector. Available at:
Hearne, L., Geary, T. & Martin, N. (2016) A Single Case Study of a Whole School Approach to Guidance Counselling in an Irish Post-Primary School: Case Report. Available at:
Hearne, L. (2012) The Resilient Adult Guidance Practitioner: A Study of the Impact of High Touch Work in Challenging Times. Available at:
Hearne, L. (2010) Measuring Individual Progression in Adult Guidance: An Irish Case Study. Waterford: WIT. Available at:
Chapters and Handbooks (from 2012):
Einarsdóttir, S., Hearne, L., Rammo, M., Weber, P. & Wikstrand, F. (2016) Peer learning for the quality enhancement of degree programmes, in C. Schiersmann, S. Einarsdóttir, J. Katsarove, J. Lerkkanen, R. Mulvey, J. Pouyaud, K. Pukelis & P. Weber (Eds.) European competence standards for the academic training of career practitioners, NICE Handbook Volume 11. Berlin: Barbara Budrich Publishers, pp. 88-105.
Hearne, L. (2013) Ethical Research in Guidance Counselling. Available:
Practice Based Articles (from 2012):
Hearne, L. (2021) Whole-school guidance in Irish secondary schools; Testing the limits. Blog article at:
King, P. & L. Hearne (2019) The provision of Guidance Counselling in a changing landscape in Irish secondary education – some implications for practitioners of guidance counselling. IJEVG Newsletter Issue 84, August 2019.
Elftorp, P., Hearne, L., & Coughlan, B. (2018) ‘What adult learners with dyslexia can tell us about the ‘temperature’ of adult learning’, The Adult Learner 2018; The Irish Journal of Adult and Community Education, pp.36-49. Dublin: Aontas.
Hearne, L., Geary, T. & King, P. (2017) Teacher’s perceptions of whole school guidance counselling; Why teacher’s perceptions matter. Ireland’s Yearbook of Education 2017-2018, p.223-227. Available:
Elftorp, P., Hearne, L. & Coughlan, B. (2017) Supporting adults with dyslexia. NCGE News (48), NCGE: Dublin.
Hearne, L., King, P., Geary, T. & Kenny, N. (2017) Whole school approach. NCGE News (47), NCGE: Dublin.
Elftorp, P. & Hearne, L. (2014) ‘An Investigation of the Guidance Counselling Needs of Adults with Dyslexia in the Adult Educational Guidance Initiative (AEGI)’. The Adult Learner 2014; The Irish Journal of Adult and Community Education. Dublin: Aontas.
Hearne, L. (2012) ‘Challenging times: Research on professional resilience in the adult guidance sector’, NCGE News, Autumn 2012, Issue 38.
Conference and Symposium Papers (from 2012):
Tussupbekova, G., Hearne, L., Murphy, H. & Noonan, G. (2023) An investigation of the role of adult learners in the co-creation of curriculum design in lifelong learning contexts in SETU. ERC Conference, University of Glasgow, Aug 22nd.
Tussupbekova, G., Hearne, L., Murphy, H. & Noonan, G. (2023) An investigation of the role of adult learners in the co-creation of curriculum design in lifelong learning contexts in SETU. SETU PG Research Conference, May 31st.
Bates Evoy, S., Brett, V., Dooly, Z., Flynn, S., Hearne, L., Murphy, H., O’Grady, M. & Widger, L. (2022) Check In, Take Off (CITO) Project: Study of the use of a self-assessment skills audit tool by adults with low basic skills using a policy experimentation methodology. South East Research Sparks. (0nline), WIT & ITCarlow, 5 April, 2022.
O’Leary, P., Ledwith, A. & Hearne, L. (2022) A Grounded Theory Study of the Values, Beliefs, and Assumptions in Recognition of Prior Learning, Implementation, Assessment and Articulation of Recognition of Prior Learning Conference (Online), University of the Western Cape, 31st March.
Bates Evoy, S., Brett, V., Dooly, Z., Flynn, S., Hearne, L., Murphy, H., O’Grady, M. & Widger, L. (2022) CITO Research Project, Final CITO Conference (online), 16 February, 2022.
O’Leary, P., Ledwith, A. & Hearne, L. (2021) The study of values, beliefs and assumptions in Recognition of Prior Learning, ECER Geneva (Online Conference), 2nd September, 2021.
Hearne, L., Bates-Evoy, S., Brett, V. & Murphy, H. (2021) A study of the use of a self-assessment skills audit tool by adults with low basic skills using a policy experimentation methodology. International Practice-Focused Research in Education Conference, University of Sunderland, 8 July, 2021.
Hearne, L. (2021) Reflections on the Practitioner-Researcher Journey, National Research Conference for Career Practitioners; Demystifying Research – Encouraging Curiosity, CDI and ICEGS, University of Derby, 25 Feb.
Hearne, L. (2019) What can guidance counselling practice tell us about adult learners lifelong learning and career develpment? Hellin Conference, Waterford Institute of Technology, 11 Dec 2019.
O’Leary, P., Ledwith, A. & Hearne, L. (2019) Recognition of prior learning: A consideration of the primary findings of a critical constructivist grounded theory study of the values, beliefs and assumptions present. Hellin Conference, Waterford Institute of Technology, 11 Dec 2019.
Hearne, L., DePaor, C., Ryan, K. & Elftorp, P. (2019) Propositions for an Integrated Adult Guidance and Information Service (AGIS) in the FET sector: Research Findings from the Field of Practice. Paper presented at Institute of Guidance Counsellors Conference, Letterkenny Institute of Technology, April 5-6.
Hearne, L., DePaor, C., Ryan, K. & Elftorp, P. (2018) Guidance in Flux: A consideration of the delivery of an integrated adult Guidance and Information Service to learners in the Irish Further Education and Training (FET) sector. Paper presented at International Association of Educational and Vocational Guidance, Gothenberg, Oct 2nd.
Hearne, L., King, P., Geary, T., & Kenny, N. (2016) A Case Study Analysis of a Whole School Approach to Guidance Counselling in the Irish Post-Primary Sector. . Paper presented at International Association of Educational and Vocational Guidance, Madrid, Nov 16.
Hearne, L., King, P., Geary, T., & Kenny, N. (2016) A Whole School Approach to Guidance Counselling in the Irish Post Primary Sector: Findings from a Holistic Single Case Study. Paper presented at European Conference on Educational Research, UCD, Aug 24.
Elftorp, P., Hearne, L., & Coughlan, B. (2016) A Mixed Methods Study of the Guidance Counselling Needs of Adults with Dyslexia within a Social Justice Framework. Paper presented at European Conference on Educational Research, UCD, Aug 21.
McDonnell, E., Hearne, L., & Mannix-McNamara, P. (2016) An exploration of the phenomenon of resilience of guidance counsellors in Irish post-primary schools. Paper presented at European Conference on Educational Research, UCD, Aug 21.
Elftorp, P., Hearne, L. & Coughlan, B. (2016) Providing guidance and support to the adult learner with dyslexia; Evidence from the field. Paper presented at Institute of Guidance Counsellors Conference, University of Limerick, Feb 26-28.
Connor, B., Delaney, G. & Hearne, L. (2015) Inquiries into the Implications of the 2012 Removal of the Ex-quota Allocation for Guidance Counselling for Post-Primary Guidance Counsellors in the East of Ireland. Poster presented at Institute of Guidance Counsellors Conference, WIT, Waterford, Feb 27-28.
Elftorp, P. & Hearne, L. (2015) An examination of the guidance counselling needs of adult learners with dyslexia from a social justice perspective. Poster presented at Institute of Guidance Counsellors Conference, WIT, Waterford, Feb 27-28.
Elftorp, P., Hearne, L. & Coughlan, B. (2014) Where is the justice? An examination of the guidance counselling needs of adult learners with dyslexia from a social justice perspective. Paper presented at Hellin Conference, UCC, December 1-2.
Hearne, L. & O’Grady, E. (2014) An Investigation into the nature of professional resilience of career guidance practitioners’ in the Irish Local Employment Service (LES). Poster presented at International Association of Educational and Vocational Guidance, Quebec, June 4-6.
Hearne, L. (2013) A Critical Consideration of the Professional Resilience of Adult Guidance Practitioners in Challenging Times. Paper presented at Larios Conference, Padua, June 20.
Galvin, J. & Hearne, L. (2013) An investigation into the impact of Budget 2012 policy changes in guidance counselling provision on the role of the regular teacher in the post-primary sector. Paper presented at Educational Studies Association of Ireland, Limerick, April.
Hearne, L. (2012) An exploration of resilience in guidance professionals engaged in high-touch work with clients of adult career services. International Association of Educational and Vocational Guidance, Mannheim, Oct 4-6.
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles (from 2012):
O’Toole, E., O’Flaherty, J. & Hearne, L. (2022) ‘Student support teams: Perceptions of the nature, scope and function in post-primary education’, Irish Educational Studies, DOI:10.1080/03323315.2022.2088594.
Hearne, L., Elftorp, P., DePaor, C. & Ryan, K. (2020) ‘An exploration of adult guidance practitioners’ experiences of policy and practice in the reformed Further Education and Training (FET) sector in Ireland’, British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, DOI:10.1080/03069885.2020.1811838.
Elftorp, P. & Hearne, L. (2020) ‘Understanding guidance counselling needs of adults with dyslexia through the lens of a critical-recognitive social justice perspective and a biopsychosocial model of disability’, Journal of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling, DOI: 10.20856/jnicec.4504.
Hearne, L. & Neary, S. (2020) ‘Let’s talk about career guidance in secondary schools! A consideration of the professional capital of school staff in Ireland and England’, International Journal of Educational and Vocational Guidance, DOI:10.1007/s10775-020-09424-5.
Hearne, L., King, P., Geary, T. & Kenny, N. (2018) 'Science of the singular'; An explanatory single case study of whole school guidance counselling in Ireland, International Journal of Educational and Vocational Guidance, DOI:10.1007/s10775-018-9363-8.
Hearne, L., Geary, T. & Martin, N. (2016) ‘Guidance counselling as a whole school responsibility in the Irish post primary sector’, British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, DOI: 10.1080/03069885.2016.1254725.
Leahy, E., O’Flaherty, J. & Hearne, L. (2016) ‘The ‘tyranny of time’: getting to the heart of the impact of educational cuts on the provision of guidance counselling in Ireland’, British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, DOI:10.1080/03069885.2016.1254722.
Hearne, L. & Galvin, J. (2014) ‘The role of the regular teacher in a wholeschool approach (WSA) to guidance counselling in Ireland’. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, DOI: 10.1080/03069885.2014.952622, pp.1-12.
Bimrose, J. & Hearne, L. (2012) ‘Resilience and Career Adaptability: Qualitative Studies of Adult Career Counseling’, Journal of Vocational Behaviour, 81(3) pp.38-344.
Hearne, L. (2011) ‘The Consideration of a Constructivist Evaluation Framework in Adult Guidance Practice’, Australian Journal of Career Development, 30, (3).
Research Reports (from 2012):
Bates Evoy, S., Dooly, Z., Flynn, S., Hearne, L. & Murphy, H. (2022) CITO 3: Policy Impact Evaluation Report. Available at:
Bates Evoy, S., Brett, V., Hearne, L., Murphy, H., O’Grady, M., Widger, L. & Dooly, Z. (2022) CITO Phase 2 Field Research Report. Available at:
Bates Evoy, S., Brett, V., Dooly, Z., Hearne, L., Murphy, H., O’Grady, M. & Widger, L. (2021) CITO Phase 1 Mapping Report. Available at:
Hearne, L., King, P., Kenny, N. & Geary, T. (2016) A Case Study Analysis of a Whole School Approach to Guidance Counselling in a Voluntary School in the Irish Post Primary Sector. Available at:
Hearne, L., Geary, T. & Martin, N. (2016) A Single Case Study of a Whole School Approach to Guidance Counselling in an Irish Post-Primary School: Case Report. Available at:
Hearne, L. (2012) The Resilient Adult Guidance Practitioner: A Study of the Impact of High Touch Work in Challenging Times. Available at:
Hearne, L. (2010) Measuring Individual Progression in Adult Guidance: An Irish Case Study. Waterford: WIT. Available at:
Chapters and Handbooks (from 2012):
Einarsdóttir, S., Hearne, L., Rammo, M., Weber, P. & Wikstrand, F. (2016) Peer learning for the quality enhancement of degree programmes, in C. Schiersmann, S. Einarsdóttir, J. Katsarove, J. Lerkkanen, R. Mulvey, J. Pouyaud, K. Pukelis & P. Weber (Eds.) European competence standards for the academic training of career practitioners, NICE Handbook Volume 11. Berlin: Barbara Budrich Publishers, pp. 88-105.
Hearne, L. (2013) Ethical Research in Guidance Counselling. Available:
Practice Based Articles (from 2012):
Hearne, L. (2021) Whole-school guidance in Irish secondary schools; Testing the limits. Blog article at:
King, P. & L. Hearne (2019) The provision of Guidance Counselling in a changing landscape in Irish secondary education – some implications for practitioners of guidance counselling. IJEVG Newsletter Issue 84, August 2019.
Elftorp, P., Hearne, L., & Coughlan, B. (2018) ‘What adult learners with dyslexia can tell us about the ‘temperature’ of adult learning’, The Adult Learner 2018; The Irish Journal of Adult and Community Education, pp.36-49. Dublin: Aontas.
Hearne, L., Geary, T. & King, P. (2017) Teacher’s perceptions of whole school guidance counselling; Why teacher’s perceptions matter. Ireland’s Yearbook of Education 2017-2018, p.223-227. Available:
Elftorp, P., Hearne, L. & Coughlan, B. (2017) Supporting adults with dyslexia. NCGE News (48), NCGE: Dublin.
Hearne, L., King, P., Geary, T. & Kenny, N. (2017) Whole school approach. NCGE News (47), NCGE: Dublin.
Elftorp, P. & Hearne, L. (2014) ‘An Investigation of the Guidance Counselling Needs of Adults with Dyslexia in the Adult Educational Guidance Initiative (AEGI)’. The Adult Learner 2014; The Irish Journal of Adult and Community Education. Dublin: Aontas.
Hearne, L. (2012) ‘Challenging times: Research on professional resilience in the adult guidance sector’, NCGE News, Autumn 2012, Issue 38.
Conference and Symposium Papers (from 2012):
Tussupbekova, G., Hearne, L., Murphy, H. & Noonan, G. (2023) An investigation of the role of adult learners in the co-creation of curriculum design in lifelong learning contexts in SETU. ERC Conference, University of Glasgow, Aug 22nd.
Tussupbekova, G., Hearne, L., Murphy, H. & Noonan, G. (2023) An investigation of the role of adult learners in the co-creation of curriculum design in lifelong learning contexts in SETU. SETU PG Research Conference, May 31st.
Bates Evoy, S., Brett, V., Dooly, Z., Flynn, S., Hearne, L., Murphy, H., O’Grady, M. & Widger, L. (2022) Check In, Take Off (CITO) Project: Study of the use of a self-assessment skills audit tool by adults with low basic skills using a policy experimentation methodology. South East Research Sparks. (0nline), WIT & ITCarlow, 5 April, 2022.
O’Leary, P., Ledwith, A. & Hearne, L. (2022) A Grounded Theory Study of the Values, Beliefs, and Assumptions in Recognition of Prior Learning, Implementation, Assessment and Articulation of Recognition of Prior Learning Conference (Online), University of the Western Cape, 31st March.
Bates Evoy, S., Brett, V., Dooly, Z., Flynn, S., Hearne, L., Murphy, H., O’Grady, M. & Widger, L. (2022) CITO Research Project, Final CITO Conference (online), 16 February, 2022.
O’Leary, P., Ledwith, A. & Hearne, L. (2021) The study of values, beliefs and assumptions in Recognition of Prior Learning, ECER Geneva (Online Conference), 2nd September, 2021.
Hearne, L., Bates-Evoy, S., Brett, V. & Murphy, H. (2021) A study of the use of a self-assessment skills audit tool by adults with low basic skills using a policy experimentation methodology. International Practice-Focused Research in Education Conference, University of Sunderland, 8 July, 2021.
Hearne, L. (2021) Reflections on the Practitioner-Researcher Journey, National Research Conference for Career Practitioners; Demystifying Research – Encouraging Curiosity, CDI and ICEGS, University of Derby, 25 Feb.
Hearne, L. (2019) What can guidance counselling practice tell us about adult learners lifelong learning and career develpment? Hellin Conference, Waterford Institute of Technology, 11 Dec 2019.
O’Leary, P., Ledwith, A. & Hearne, L. (2019) Recognition of prior learning: A consideration of the primary findings of a critical constructivist grounded theory study of the values, beliefs and assumptions present. Hellin Conference, Waterford Institute of Technology, 11 Dec 2019.
Hearne, L., DePaor, C., Ryan, K. & Elftorp, P. (2019) Propositions for an Integrated Adult Guidance and Information Service (AGIS) in the FET sector: Research Findings from the Field of Practice. Paper presented at Institute of Guidance Counsellors Conference, Letterkenny Institute of Technology, April 5-6.
Hearne, L., DePaor, C., Ryan, K. & Elftorp, P. (2018) Guidance in Flux: A consideration of the delivery of an integrated adult Guidance and Information Service to learners in the Irish Further Education and Training (FET) sector. Paper presented at International Association of Educational and Vocational Guidance, Gothenberg, Oct 2nd.
Hearne, L., King, P., Geary, T., & Kenny, N. (2016) A Case Study Analysis of a Whole School Approach to Guidance Counselling in the Irish Post-Primary Sector. . Paper presented at International Association of Educational and Vocational Guidance, Madrid, Nov 16.
Hearne, L., King, P., Geary, T., & Kenny, N. (2016) A Whole School Approach to Guidance Counselling in the Irish Post Primary Sector: Findings from a Holistic Single Case Study. Paper presented at European Conference on Educational Research, UCD, Aug 24.
Elftorp, P., Hearne, L., & Coughlan, B. (2016) A Mixed Methods Study of the Guidance Counselling Needs of Adults with Dyslexia within a Social Justice Framework. Paper presented at European Conference on Educational Research, UCD, Aug 21.
McDonnell, E., Hearne, L., & Mannix-McNamara, P. (2016) An exploration of the phenomenon of resilience of guidance counsellors in Irish post-primary schools. Paper presented at European Conference on Educational Research, UCD, Aug 21.
Elftorp, P., Hearne, L. & Coughlan, B. (2016) Providing guidance and support to the adult learner with dyslexia; Evidence from the field. Paper presented at Institute of Guidance Counsellors Conference, University of Limerick, Feb 26-28.
Connor, B., Delaney, G. & Hearne, L. (2015) Inquiries into the Implications of the 2012 Removal of the Ex-quota Allocation for Guidance Counselling for Post-Primary Guidance Counsellors in the East of Ireland. Poster presented at Institute of Guidance Counsellors Conference, WIT, Waterford, Feb 27-28.
Elftorp, P. & Hearne, L. (2015) An examination of the guidance counselling needs of adult learners with dyslexia from a social justice perspective. Poster presented at Institute of Guidance Counsellors Conference, WIT, Waterford, Feb 27-28.
Elftorp, P., Hearne, L. & Coughlan, B. (2014) Where is the justice? An examination of the guidance counselling needs of adult learners with dyslexia from a social justice perspective. Paper presented at Hellin Conference, UCC, December 1-2.
Hearne, L. & O’Grady, E. (2014) An Investigation into the nature of professional resilience of career guidance practitioners’ in the Irish Local Employment Service (LES). Poster presented at International Association of Educational and Vocational Guidance, Quebec, June 4-6.
Hearne, L. (2013) A Critical Consideration of the Professional Resilience of Adult Guidance Practitioners in Challenging Times. Paper presented at Larios Conference, Padua, June 20.
Galvin, J. & Hearne, L. (2013) An investigation into the impact of Budget 2012 policy changes in guidance counselling provision on the role of the regular teacher in the post-primary sector. Paper presented at Educational Studies Association of Ireland, Limerick, April.
Hearne, L. (2012) An exploration of resilience in guidance professionals engaged in high-touch work with clients of adult career services. International Association of Educational and Vocational Guidance, Mannheim, Oct 4-6.