Dr John McGarrigle
Course Director ECEC Programme
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests
My recent PhD research (2017) was an arts based narrative inquiry into learning in an Early Childhood degree using creative arts practices to de-territorialise the pedagogical spaces of learning and challenge dominant constructions of intelligence. My interests lie in participatory arts based methodologies where creative media such as film, poetry, art work, writing assist in the active construction of meaning within a broad qualitative frame. Previous research focussed on mental health outcomes (2002) and preferred stories of men with a learning difficulty (2004). Since joining SETU Carlow I have developed a research focus on teaching and learning and used mixed methods to explore constructions of Community in a Third Level art course (2009) and self and peer assessment within a social constructivist paradigm (2011). My interests in narrative inquiry and arts based research explore emerging professional identity of childcare students, promote social change through education and the micropolitics of everyday life. As a lecturer in Higher Education I aim to develop a critical questioning in my students that may inform their future practice. Having graduated in 1979 with a primary degree in Psychology I have worked in youth work, teaching, mental health rehabilitation, disability, and education as well as developing interests in the creative arts especially art, film, drama and music.
Engagement and Collaboration
- EqUal (2000-02) Equal Access to Lifelong Learning – consultant on management team of EU equality project promoting access to Lifelong Learning for people with disabilities.
- Wexford Area Partnership (2002-07) – Education Subgroup Chairperson (04-07)
- Caroline Dunne MA (2016)
- Abimbola Akegbile (2017)
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
McGarrigle, J.G.P. (2018) Getting in tune through Arts Based Narrative Inquiry, Irish Journal of Education Studies https://doi.org/10.1080/03323315.2018.1465837
McGarrigle, J.G.P. (2013) Exploring student engagement and collaborative learning in a Community-based module in Fine Art, Irish Journal of Academic Practice, Vol 2 available at http://arrow.dit.ie/ijap/
McGarrigle, J.G.P. (2013) What students think of peer assessment, AISHE-J: The All Ireland Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Volume 5 (2) http://ojs.aishe.org/index.php/aishe-j/article/view/101
Books and Book Chapters
McGarrigle, J.G.P. (2012) Engaging with Early Childhood Education Models. Chapter 9 in Máire Mhic Mhathúna and Mark Taylor (eds) Early Childhood Education and Care. Dublin: Gill and MacMillan
Conference Proceedings and Papers
McGarrigle, J.G.P. (2017) More than a murmur – an imagined future childhood , paper presented at 25th Reconceptualizing Early Childhood Education Conference
Finding a Home in the World: Migration, Indigeneity, and Citizenship. http://receinternational.org/archives.html#sthash.Y9h6chNl.K2TUUjyi.dpbs
McGarrigle, J. G. P. (2016). A murmuration of Early Childhood Students - transcribe, translate, transform, transmit, transcend. A rhizomatic autoethnographic research report from the field of Early Year teaching and learning. Paper presented at the 3rd International Irish Narrative Inquiry Conference, Institute for Lifecourse and Society, NUI Galway. available at http://www.conference.ie/Conferences/index.asp?Conference=450
McGarrigle, J.G.P. (2015) De-territorializing and re€territorializing early childhood through the use of creative practices paper presented at 23rd RECE Conference 2015 Narratives of Difference: Translations, Transgressions, and Transformations. Blanchardstown, Institute of Technology Dublin, Ireland.
McGarrigle, J.G.P. (2015) Transforming the field? ‘Practice and the Internet’ lines of flight Paper presented at International Narrative Conference ‘Transforming the field’ Maynooth University March 19-20th 2015
McGarrigle, J.G.P. (2014) Creating stories of learning with students of an Early Childhood degree, paper presented at 1st Irish Conference on Narrative Inquiry: Researching and Writing Irish Storyscapes. Sligo Education Centre, Institute of Technology, Sligo, April 10th 2014
McGarrigle, J.G.P. (2012) Reflecting on the ‘Narrative Turn’ in my work as a psychologist and educator in Ireland in Ludmilla Tataru (ed) (2012) The Russian Trace Within Narratology : Proceedings of the International Conference. Balashov, November 26€”28, 2012. €” Balashov : Nikolayev, 2012. €” 272 p.
McGarrigle, J.G.P. (2012) What students think of peer assessment, (Poster presented at International Multidisciplinary Conference, Florence, June 2012)
McGarrigle, J.G.P. (2011) Self and Peer Assessment. Paper presented at Assessment in HE conference University of Cumbria, Carlisle, UK
McGarrigle, J.G.P. (2010) Motivating learning in group projects through self and peer assessment. Poster presented at SIF 2 conference Repositioning Assessment for Learning Dublin
McGarrigle, J.G.P. (2009) Exploring dynamic processes of collaborative group learning in a blended Community Based (Service) Learning module for 3rd year Fine Art students. Paper presented at the Campus Engage International Conference, Dublin, Higher Education and Civic Engagement Partnerships: Create, Challenge, Change http://www.conference.campusengage.ie/papers/view_abstract_programme/63
Other outputs
McGarrigle, J.G.P. (2017). An arts based narrative inquiry into learning in an Early Childhood Education and Care degree. PhD thesis, Maynooth University at http://eprints.maynoothuniversity.ie/9070/
McGarrigle, J.G.P. (2009) A case study of student engagement in collaborative group learning in a blended Community Based (Service) Learning module. Unpublished Masters thesis Dublin: DIT. Available at http://arrow.dit.ie/ltcdis/2/
McGarrigle, J.G.P. (2005) Narratives of identity and masculinity in some Irish men with a learning difficulty, 2005, Unpublished thesis for MSc in Portsmouth University
McGarrigle, J.G.P. (2001) Newstart: a review of vocational outcomes from a programme for people with mental health issues, Unpublished. Presented at Psychological Society of Ireland conference, Cork.