Research Interests
Dr. Hany Taher earned his bachelor degree at 1993 from Benha university- Egypt, then obtained his Master degree from Cairo university- Egypt in 1999 and got his PhD degree from catholic university- Leuven- Belgium in 2006, all are in electronics and electrical communications engineering. He has about 25 years experience in the academic field at many institutes and universities. He is currently an assistant lecturer with the department of Aerospace, Mechanical and Electronics Engineering within the School of Engineering at SETU Carlow. The main research interests of Dr. Hany includes, but not limited to-
- Design Rf and mW (millimetre waves) components, such as, Antennas, Filters, Power dividers, Negative group delay circuits, duplexers,€¦etc.
- Design Rf circuits, such as, planer wireless power transfer units, interference cancellation circuits and mutual coupling reduction between antenna elements in MIMO systems.
- Using artificial intelligent techniques such as ANN (Artificial Neural Network) LS-SVM (Least Square Support Vector Machine) ANFIS(Adaptive Network Based Fuzzy Interference System) to build Computer Aided Design (CAD) tools for RF/microwaves circuits.
- Small signal and compact modelling of active devices, such as, HBT and LDMOSFET, as well as, behaioural modelling of analog circuits, such as, power amplifier and Lin driver.
- Using method of lines as a numerical technique to analyze complex electromagnetic problems.
Current Research Students
Design high performance SIW based millimetre waves circuits, 2017- 2020, Ege university, Izmir, Turkey
Past Research Students
- Design band-pass filter for GSM applications using microstrip with Defected Ground Structure (DGS), 2006-2010, Ain Shams university, Cairo, Egypt.
- Design Microstrip antenna for duplex transceiver system, 2006-2010, Ain Shams university, Cairo, Egypt.
- Power amplifier design for wide band applications, 2008-2012, Ain Shams university, Cairo, Egypt.
- Supervising a master thesis related to the device modelling in the (ESAT-TELEMIC), Belgium, 2003-2006.
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
H. Taher, D. Schreurs, R. Gillon, E. Vestiel, C. Van Niekerk, A. Alabadelah and B. Nauwelaers, "Detecting variations of small-signal equivalent-circuit model parameters in the Si/SiGe HBT process with ANN", International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, Volume 15, Issue 1, pp. 102-108, January 2005.
H. Taher, D. Schreurs and B. Nauwelaers, "Constitutive Relations for Nonlinear Modeling of Si/SiGe HBTs Using an ANN Model", International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, Volume 15, Issue 2, pp. 203-209, March 2005.
H. Taher, D. Schreurs and B. Nauwelaers, " Extraction of small-signal equivalent circuit model parameters for Si/SiGe HBT using S-parameters measurements and one geometrical information ", AEU – International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Volume 60, Issue 8, pp 567-572, September 2006.
H. Taher, "Empirical Global modeling of Si/SiGe hetero junction bipolar transistor" IET (formerly, IEE), Microwave, antenna and propagation, Volume 2, Issue 4, pp. 401-408,June 2008.
H. Taher, D. Schreurs and B. Nauwelaers, " Black Box Modelling of the Op-Amp Including Switching Power Supply on Effect " AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Volume 62, Issue 7, pp 544-548, August 2008.
Hesham A. Mohamed, H. Taher , Esmat A. Abdallah, and Hadia S. El-Henawy, " Design of Seven-Pole LPF with High Suppression of Harmonics Using DGS " Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Volume 51, Issue 3, pp. 760-763, March 2009.
H. Taher, " A new Artificial Intelligent Technique for Designing of Microstrip Stepped Impedance Low pass Filter " Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Volume 52, Issue 9, pp. 1946-1949, September 2010
H. Taher " High performance low pass filter using complementary square split ring resonators defected ground structure " IET (formerly,IEE), Microwave, antenna and propagation, Volume 5, Issue 7, pp. 771-775, May 2011.
H. Taher, "Direct extraction technique of π- topology small-signal equivalent circuit model for Si/SiGe HBT" Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. Volume 54, Issue 3, pp. 584-589, March 2012.
H. Taher, "A simplified equivalent Circuit model for defected ground structures in planar transmission lines" Progress in Electromagnetic Research Letters. Vol. 29, pp.157-166, 2012.
H. Taher, "Wideband analytical extraction technique of π-equivalent circuit model for Si/SiGe HBT in BICMOS process" IET (formerly, IEE), Microwaves, antennas and propagation, Volume 8, Issue 1, pp. 57-63, January 2014.
H. Taher, "Ultra Wide Stopband Low-Pass Filter Using Triangular Resonators Defected Ground " Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Volume 28, Issue 4, pp. 542-550, 2014.
H. Taher, "Performance assessment of utilizing the neural networks and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system in analysis of planer structures" Journal of Active and Passive Electronic Devices. Volume 9, Number 2-3, pp. 185-197, 2014.
H. Taher and R. Farrell "Design of Microstrip Coupled Lines Bandpass Filter Using Artificial Neural Networks" Journal of Active and Passive Electronic Devices. Volume 10, Number 1, pp. 25-33, 2015.
H. Taher and R. Farrell " Microstrip unequal Wilkinson power divider with 1:11 division ratio" Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Volume 29, Issue 14, pp. 1887-1898, 2015.
H. Taher and R. Farrell, D. Schreurs and B. Nauwealers " Extraction of Small Signal Model Parameters of Si/SiGe HBT using Least Squares Support Vector Machines", Electronics Letters, Volume 51, Issue 22, pp. 1821 –1823, 2015.
H. Taher and R. Farrell, "Dual wide-band miniaturized negative group delay circuit using open circuit stubs", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters Volume 60, Issue 2, 428-432, 2018.
Conference Proceedings and Papers
D. Schreurs, S. Vandenberghe, H. Taher, B. Nauwelaers, "ANN model for SiGe HBTs constructed from time-domain large-signal measurements", Proc. 10th European Gallium Arsenide and Other Semiconductors Application Symposium, Milano, Italy, pp. 85-88, 23-24 September 2002.
H. Taher, D. Schreurs, S. Vandenberghe and B. Nauwelaers, "Critical look at direct extraction of small signal equivalent circuit models for Si/SiGe HBT", URSI Forum, Brussels, Belgium, 1 p., 13 December 2002.
H. Taher, D. Schreurs, A. Alabadelah, and B. Nauwelaers, "Overcoming Difficulties in Direct Extraction of HBT Si/Si Ge Devices", Proc. 11th URSI Forum: Radio Science on the Move, Palace of the Academies, Brussels, Belgium, p. 48, 18 December 2003.
H. Taher, D. Schreurs, A. Alabadellah and B. Nauwelaers, "A new Optimisation-Based Methodology for Determination of Small-Signal Equivalent Circuit Model Parameters for Si/SiGe HBT Process", Proc. PIERS 2004, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, pp. 547-550, Pisa, Italy, 28-31 March 2004.
H. Taher, D. Schreurs, R. Gillon, E. Vestiel, A. Alabadelah, C. Van Niekerk and B. Nauwelaers, "Artificial Neural Network to Statistically Model the Variation in small Signal Equivalent Circuit Model Parameters for Si/SiGe HBT process", Proc. 63rd ARFTG Conference, Fort Worth, TX, USA, pp. 103-106, June 2004, 11-12 June 2004.
H. Taher, D. Schreurs and B. Nauwelaers, "NonLinear Modeling of Si/SiGe HBT Using ANN", Proc. 12th European Gallium Arsenide and Other Semiconductors Application Symposium, GAAS, pp. 427-430, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 11-12 October 2004.
A. Alabadelah, H. Taher, D. Schreurs, S. Beaussart, R. Gillon and B. Nauwelaers, "ANN Model representing Statistical Variations of MOSFET's Small Signal Equivalent Circuit Elements", INMMiC Workshop, Rome, Italy, 15-16 November 2004
H. Taher, D. Schreurs, S. Vandenbergs and B. Nauwelaers, "Influence of De-Embedding on the Extraction Sensitivity of SiGe HBT", INMMiC Workshop, Rome, Italy,pp.81-84, 15-16 November 2004 .
D. Schreurs, H. Hussain, H. Taher and B. Nauwelaers, "Influence of RF Measurement Uncertainties on Model Uncertainties: Practical case of a SiGe HBT", Automatic RF Techniques Group Conference (ARFTG), Orlando, Florida, USA, pp. 33-39, 30 November-3 December 2004.
H. Taher, D. Schreurs and B. Nauwelaers, "Black Box Modelling of LDMOSFET", Proc. 12th URSI Forum, Palace of the Academies, Brussels, Belgium, p. 61, 10 December 2004.
D. Schreurs, H. Taher, M. Myslinksi and B. Nauwelaers, "Recent advances in (non-)linear behavioural modeling", IEEE International Microwave Symposium Workshop on €œAdvances in nonlinear behavioural modeling€, Long Beach, California, USA, p. 31, 17 June 2005.
H. Taher, D. Schreurs and B. Nauwelaers, "Extraction of Small Signal Equivalent Circuit Model Parameters for Statistical Modeling of HBT Using Artificial Neural", Proc. 12th European Gallium Arsenide and Other Semiconductors Application Symposium, GAAS, pp. 213-216, Paris, France, 3-4 October 2005.
H. Taher, D. Schreurs and B. Nauwelaers, " Black Box Modelling at the Circuit level: Op-Amp as a Case Study", Proc. The 13th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, Benalmádena (Málaga), SPAIN, May 16-19, 2006
M. Shaker, E. A.F. Abdallah, H. Taher and H. El-hennawy, "Modern Isolation of Dual Band Proximty Coupled Microstrip Antenna Front End Transciver",proc. Middle East Conference n Antenna and Propagation, MECAP, Cairo, Egypt, October 2010.
H. Taher and R. Farrell, " Unified Analysis Model for Microstrip and Coupled lines Structures Utilizing Artificial Intelligence Techniques " Proc. of Irish Signals and Systems Conference, Carlow, Ireland, June 2015.
H. Taher and R. Farrell, " Design of Dual Band Bandstop Microstrip DGS Filter Using ANFIS " Proc. of IEEE Mediterranean Microwave Symposium 2015 (MMS2015) in Lecce, Italy, November 30 - December 2, 2015.
H. Taher and R. Farrell, "Highly Miniaturized Wideband Negative Group Delay Circuit Using Effective Negative Dielectric permittivity Stopband Microstrip Lines", Proc. of European Microwave Conference (EuMC), London, UK, 3-6 Oct., 2016.
H. Taher and R. Farrell, "Broadband High Gain SIW Cavity Square Slot Antenna for X-Band Applications", Proc. of 2016 Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference, Loughborough , UK, 14 – 15 November 2016.