Declan Browne
Lecturer & Program Director MSc Strength & Conditioning
Email: [email protected]

Research Interests
Declan Browne is a Lecturer in Department of Science and Health and Program Director for the MSc in Strength & Conditioning. His main field of expertise is Strength and Conditioning Science. He has worked as a Strength and Conditioning coach and researcher for the past 15 years with a range of sports and national governing bodies.
His research interests include the force time characteristics and time course recovery of field sport athletes.
Engagement and Collaboration
Over the past number of years I have developed funded research collaboration projects with some of our NGB’s FAI, IRFU & GAA. Furthermore I have been a member of a number of review groups focused on athletic development at both national & regional levels.
- Brett Igoe PhD Candidate: Supervisory team.
Title: Physical characteristics and match performances of rugby union referees.
- Joseph O Brien PhD candidate: Supervisory Team
Title: The efficacy of eccentric flywheel resistance training to enhance hamstring strength in field sport athletes.
- Philip Connors: Supervisory team
Title: The Physical and Physiological Demands of Elite Camogie Players during Competitive Match-Play
- Eoin Kirwan Supervisory team
Title: The Quantification of Fatigue during Intensified Competition in Professional Ice Hockey Athletes
- Damien Byrne (2016), The acute effects of self myofascial release on joint range of motion and stretch shortening cycle function in trained hurlers
- Michael Lawlor (2018), Training load monitoring in rugby union.
- Cian Gormley (2019) The effect of competitive Gaelic football match play on player immunoendocrine status.
- Brian Doyle (2020), Neuromuscular Fatigue and Training Load Monitoring in Female International Footballers.
Area of Interest for future supervisory role
- Force time characteristics of field sport athletes
- Strength development and power output.
- Physiological demands of field sports.
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
Doyle, B., Browne, D. and Horan, D. (2020) ‘Differences in anthropometric and physical performance characteristics between U17, U19, and Senior Irish female international football players’, International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching. doi: 10.1177/1747954120968191.
Doyle B, Browne D, Horan D. (2020). The Relationship of Aerobic Endurance and Linear Speed on Repeat Sprint Ability Performance in Female International Footballers. International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences, 8(4), 147 - 153.
O Brien J, Browne D, Earls D. (2020). The Effects of Different Types of Eccentric Overload Training on Strength, Speed, Power and Change of Direction in Female Basketball Players. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology. 5(3):50.
Connors, P., Earls, D., Browne, D., Fitzpatrick, P. and Rankin, P., (2020) The Positional Demands of Inter-County Camogie. Sport Performance & Science Reports 1(104): June 2020 pp1-2
Igoe, B. A., & Browne, D. (2019). Maximum ball in play demands for sub-elite Rugby Union referees in domestic club rugby. Journal of Human Sports and Exercise, 15 (3)
Igoe, B. A., & Browne, D. (2019). Game Movement Demands of Sub-Elite Rugby Union Referees in Domestic Club Rugby. International Journal of Sports Science 3(1):034-041
Browne D and Flanagan E. Reactive Strength Endurance: Part 1 (2018). The response of reactive strength to fast stretch-shortening cycle fatigue. Sport Performance & Science Reports 1(18): 1-3. March 2018.
Browne D and Flanagan E. Reactive Strength Endurance (2018): Part 2. Is maximal reactive strength associated with reactive strength endurance? Sport Performance & Science Reports 1(22): 1-3.
Byrne, D.J., Browne, D.T., Byrne, P.J. and Richardson, N., (2017). Interday Reliability of the Reactive Strength Index and Optimal Drop Height. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 31(3), pp.721-726
Browne, D. (2014). The positional and anthropometric and performance profile of sub elite hurling players. BASES 2013 Abstracts. Journal of Sports Sciences 32:sup1,s4-s116
Conference Presentations
Oral Conference Presentations
O’Dowd-Hill, D. Browne, D., Lodge, C. (2020) An investigation into maturation as a contributing factor in the upper body strength of youth rugby players. 25th Annual European College of Sports Science Conference.
Browne, D. (2017). Training Load Science. Bases Sport and Performance Division, Dublin, Ireland
Lawlor M., Browne D. (2017). Comparison of definitions of high speed running metres as measured by 10 Hz GPS units and their correlation with training load. 22nd Annual European College of Sports Science Conference, Ruhr, Germany.
Nolan, A, Browne D., (2017) Fitness profiling of male adolescent Gaelic football intercounty development squads. All Ireland Postgraduate Conference in Sports Sciences, Physical Activity and Physical Education, IT Carlow, Ireland.
Igoe, B., Browne, D. (2017) AN examination of try scoring in schoolboy rugby union. All Ireland Postgraduate Conference in Sports Sciences, Physical Activity and Physical Education, IT Carlow, Ireland.
Browne, D., (2013) The positional and anthropometric and performance profile of sub elite hurling players. BASES Conference, UCLAN, UK.
Conference Abstracts & Papers
O’Brien J., Browne D. Earls D. (2019) Effects of varying inertial loadings on eccentric overload in the flywheel Romanian deadlift exercise. 15th Annual UKSCA conference Milton Keynes, UK.
Doyle B., Browne D., Horan D. (2019) Physical performance characteristics of elite female international footballers. 15th Annual UKSCA conference Milton Keynes, UK.
Kelly J., Browne D. (2019) The Inter-Day Reliability of the Unilateral Stance Isometric Mid-Thigh Pull. 15th Annual UKSCA conference Milton Keynes, UK.
Browne D., McEvoy C. (2018) Overspeed Jump Training for the Acute Enhancement of Reactive Strength. 14th Annual UKSCA conference, Milton Keynes UK
Gormley C., Coyle C., Browne D., O’Hara R., Cullen B. (2018) The effect of Gaelic football match-play on player hormonal status. 14th Annual UKSCA conference, Milton Keynes UK
O’Brien J., Browne D. (2018) The effects of contrasting intra-set rest periods on bar velocity. 14th Annual UKSCA conference, Milton Keynes UK
Kinsella, A., Browne., D (2017). The effectiveness of velocity based training as a form of exercise prescription in resistance training in recreationally trained female GAA athletes. All Ireland Postgraduate Conference in Sports Sciences, Physical Activity and Physical Education, IT Carlow, Ireland.
Igoe, B., Browne, D. (2017). Positional specific movement demands of match play in schoolboy rugby union; a comparison between artificial turf surfaces and natural grass. All Ireland Postgraduate Conference in Sports Sciences, Physical Activity and Physical Education, IT Carlow, Ireland.
Brennan, M., Browne D., (2017). Game and positional demands of intercounty camogie players. All Ireland Postgraduate Conference in Sports Sciences, Physical Activity and Physical Education, IT Carlow, Ireland.
Beauthane J., Browne D., (2017). The effect of 6 week change of direction protocol on straight line speed and change of direction deficit in college basketball players. All Ireland Postgraduate Conference in Sports Sciences, Physical Activity and Physical Education, IT Carlow, Ireland.
Byrne, D., Byrne P., Richardson, N., Browne., D. (2016). The effects of an acute bout of lower limb self myofascial release on stretch shortening cycle function in trained hurlers. All Ireland Postgraduate Conference in Sports Sciences, Physical Activity and Physical Education, Waterford IT, Ireland.
Byrne, D., Byrne P., Richardson, N., Browne., D. (2016). The effects of an acute bout self myofascial release on stretch shortening cycle function in trained hurlers. UKSCA annual conference. Leicestershire, UK.
Callinan, D., Browne D., Spratt-O’Shea, N. (2017) An Investigation into the effect of Match-Induced Neuromuscular Fatigue on Male Collegiate Basketball Players. 22nd Annual European College of Sports Science Conference, Ruhr, Germany.