Dr Colman Noctor is a Mental Health Nurse and Psychotherapist with a special interest in Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. He has an array of international clinical experience and his research area is the impact of technology on young people's mental health. Colman is an author, public speaker and regular contributer to the print and broadcast media and has a weekly Parenting Column in the Irish Examiner newspaper and is the host of the popular Asking for a Parent Podcast.
Dr Noctor has taught in TCD and UCD before joining SETU and is the course leader for a new MSc in Mental Health Practice for Young People.
Colman was involved in the MOCHA European Project as well as the CoVision Project and has extensive experience in other research projects both in Ireland and abroad.
2021 Expert panel member to a Rapid Realist Review (RRR) The CO-VISION Project (HRB & IRC)
2021 Academic Literacy Support for Student Success: Designing an Academic Advising Disciplinary Framework (Academic Advising Project)
2016-2019 MOCHA (Models of Child Health Appraisal) Cross European 6.8 million euro study. I was a collaborator who was responsible for investigating the models of care for ADHD and Autism across 31 European countries. I analysed the data and compiled the report for the European Commission and I was part of the international review meetings with all the partners.
2016-2020: STRENCO Project: Strengthening multi-professional competencies in mental health in an international context, through co-production with academics, students, service users and professionals. This €313,000 Erasmus+ project, was developed under the KA203 Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices - Strategic Partnerships for higher education through the Higher Education Authority in Ireland. The project ran over three years with collaborating partners from Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK), Finland; Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences (JAMK), Finland; Vives University (Zuid), Belgium; the Technological Educational Institute of Athens (T.E.I. of Athens), Greece and the University of Salford University in the UK.
Dr Noctor worked at all levels of senior nurse management and clinical specialism over the past two decades and he was one of the first Advanced Nurse Practitioners in CAMHS and maintains a small clinical psychotherapy practice.