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25 years management experience in product development & commercialisation, innovation, technical and business development. Key interests include implementing supports for regional and national SMEs and entrepreneurs through developing key mechanisms, specialised and tailored programmes, infrastructure and targeted access pathways through which businesses have greater engagement with HEI facilities, researchers, and networks. Mr Ogilvie has initiated and compiled many successful project applications (€30M) for collaborative RDI programmes. These have been funded by various bodies including the European INTERREG Programme, Erasmus+, the Higher Education Authority (HEA), Irish Research Council (IRC), the Technology Sector Research Programme (TSR, Department of Education & Science Ireland), Enterprise Ireland and Science Foundation Ireland (SFI).

Academic and Research Experience

Associate Lecturer at NFQ level 8 and level 9 in Business Research Methods, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship & Innovation Management (2007 – present) 

Co-delivering the Arts and Humanities Enterprise Hub (AHEH) which is an Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliance funded project. The AHEH is a major new European 3-year project that brings together an alliance of 14 partners from 7 European countries. Partners from academia and industry work together to jointly research, design, test and disseminate a programme of entrepreneurial training for Arts and Humanities staff and students. (2018 – 2020)

Engagement and Collaboration

  • Designing and project managing BUCANIER methodology (Building Clusters and Networks in Innovation Enterprise and Research) which support 120 small businesses on the Irish Sea border in the key growth sectors of food and drink, life sciences and renewable energy. It seeks to increase innovation capacity within small businesses by collaborating with Higher Education institutions and other public bodies to boost productivity across Ireland and Wales. (2017 -2021)
  • Co-developed and project managing CATALYST, a pilot scheme to drive innovation within Welsh and Irish businesses in the life science and food and drink sectors. Backed with €1.3m of EU funding, the Catalyst project will work with 60 businesses to develop new specialist products, access new markets, and ensure packaging of products are sustainably sourced and minimised (2018 – 2021).
  • Developed INSPIRE process (Initiating Pathways for Innovators, Researchers and Entrepreneurs) for cultivating and developing idea generation skill sets for entrepreneurs, researchers and SMEs. Implemented with 150 early-stage enterprises (2012 -2016) 
  • Project managed over 350 industry applied research projects undertaken by Institute of Technology Carlow for various sectors including ICT, Clean Tech, Environmental Sciences, Engineering, Software, Food Production and Industrial Design (2007 – Present).
  • Mentored 200+ start-up enterprises in relation to innovation, product development and commercialisation of their business concept. (2007 – Present)
  • Advised and supported 250+ companies through their development cycle from fledgling start-up to sustainable SME. (2007- Present).
  • Designed a data protection compliance framework for Windstorm Technology Ltd (2011), Funding Source: Enterprise Ireland’s Innovation Voucher Initiative.
  • Developed a business franchising model for Barrowvale Technology Ltd (2010), Funding Source: Enterprise Ireland’s Innovation Voucher Initiative.
  • Conducted business sustainability assessments for engineering companies in the South East as part of IT Carlow’s Interreg funded WISE project (2010).
  • Managed over 240 research & development projects in the food sector and 30 national and international branded product launches. (1998 – 2006)

Current Research Students

As Principal supervisor – MBA dissertation, 2018, Title: Identification of Business Inhibitors Common to Micro and Small Businesses in the South East of Ireland.

Past Research Students

Supervised 22 final year level 8 and level 9 student dissertations (2010 – Present)


  • As Principal supervisor – MBA dissertation, 2017, Title: An Exploratory Research of Risk Resilience in the Irish Pharmaceutical Industry
  • As Principal supervisor – MBA dissertation, 2016, Title: Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) in Apartment Buildings: A case Study Investigating the Barriers and Enablers of the Provision of EVSE Affecting Apartment Property managers
  • As Principal supervisor – MBA dissertation, 2015, Title: An Exploratory of the Antecedents of Innovation Practices in Small to Medium Service Companies

Areas of Interest as a Supervisor

  • Innovation Management
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Knowledge Transfer
  • Business Research
  • Commercialisation
  • Project Management

Publications and Outputs

Books and Book Chapters

Co-authored and edited ‘The BUCANIER Journey, An Innovation Mindset for Entrepreneurs, Innovators, Researchers and SMEs’ (2018)

Authored and edited ‘The INSPIRE Journey, A Best Practice Guide – An Innovation Mindset for Entrepreneurs, Innovators, Researchers and SMEs’ (2015)

Other research outputs

MBA Dissertation (2005), Developing a Turnaround Strategy for a Business Unit in a Mature Industry.

MSc Dissertation (2002), The Design and Implementation of a Temporary Product Development Process for a Cannery.