Dr Ashish Vashishtha
Email: [email protected]
Dr Ashish Vashishtha is PI, supervisor and Lecturer at Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, SETU Carlow. He completed PhD (2016) in Advanced Energy at The University of Tokyo, Japan with research in experimental and numerical unsteady hypersonic flows. With his postdoctoral experiences at University of Galway, Ireland & Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, India, he developed deep interest in green energy technologies, as well as hypersonic propulsion and detonation combustion. Prior to his PhD, he had 5 years of industrial experience in spray and combustion modelling in IC Engines. He completed his Bachelor and master’s degrees in Aerospace Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India with experience in supersonic flows and high-speed jets.
Research Interests
Dr Vashishtha has wide range of experience in industry and academia related to experimental and numerical fluid-thermodynamics applications, reactive flows. Currently, he is actively pursuing applied aspects of fluid and thermodynamics related to automotive, aerospace and energy, manufacturing industries. His research interest can be summarized as follows:
- High-Speed Flows: Flow Controls, Shock Waves, Unsteady Flow Analysis.
- Reactive Flows: Combustion, Emission Modelling, Fuel Flexibility, Alternative Fuels Technologies, Explosions and Gaseous Detonation modelling.
- Modelling and simulation for fluid and thermal energy systems.
- Instrumentation, 2-D and 3-D Unsteady Optical Flow Measurement Techniques, Data Driven Analysis Methods.
Funded Projects
- TU Rise PhD Scholarship Program 2024 (Value: € 120650 for 4 years)
Title: Modelling and Simulation of solid Green Propellants for micro-launcher application and validation with laboratory-based Rocket Test Bench
Role: Supervisor (PhD.) - SETU PhD Scholarship Program 2024 (Value: € 109000 for 4 years)
Title: Modelling and Simulation of thermo-chemical process for waste to transport fuel technology with flexible feedstock
Role: Co-supervisor (PhD.) - Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland, (SEAI) RD&D Funding Programme 2021
(Funding: € 900k for 3 years with Consortium of UL, NUIG, SETU Carlow and TUD)
Title: SPOTBlade - Strategies for erosion and fouling Protection of Offshore Turbine Blades
Role: Team Member, Leading Work-package related to Modelling & Prediction at SETU Carlow - Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Public Policy Fellowship 2023 (Value: €38646 for 12 months)
Title: (Def-RI-CAP): Defence Relevant National Research and Innovation Capability Assessment and Future Technology Development Framework
Role: Lead Applicant in partnership with Department of Defence, Ireland - Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Defence Organisation Innovation Challenge, 2021 Funding: €263,301
Title: (AltFuel4DF) @altfuel4 Portable and Scalable Waste to Synthetic Biofuel Technology Demonstrator to Decarbonise Defence Force Transport
Role: Lead Applicant, Partners: University of Galway, Barna Recycling, Caribou Biofuels - Irish Research Council New Foundation Award 2022 (Funding: €9,942.79 for 9 Months)
Title: SynergyFuel: Techno-economic, Environmental and Societal Impact Assessment of Waste to Transport Fuel in Circular Economy
Role: Lead Applicant in Ireland - Irish Research Council Ulysses Mobility Grant 2021 (Funding: €5000 for 1 years)
Title: Development of cold spray using micronozzles for milli to micro-scale metal deposition Collaboration among SETU Carlow, SETU Waterford and University of Technology at Belfort- Montbéliard, Belfort (UTBM), France.
Role: Lead Applicant in Ireland - Irish Research Council GOI-PG Funding 2022 (Funding: €55000 for 2 years)
Title: Design & Applications of Air-breathing Propulsion System for Very Low and Super Low Earth Orbit Satellites.
Role: Supervisor (Master's Student) - Irish Research Council GOI-PG Funding 2022 (Funding: €55000 for 2 years)
Title: Green Propellant for future small satellite launch vehicle.
Role: Supervisor (Master's Student) - SETU Carlow President Research Fellowship for PhD 2022 (Approved Funding: €82750 for 3 years)
Title: Characterizing the Supersonic Micro-Nozzle Designs for Cold-Spray Applications
Role: Supervisor (PhD.) - South-East Research Development Fund 2021 (Funding: €102000 for 4 years)
Title: Modelling and Development of Cold Spray for Additive Manufacturing (CSAM)
International Collaboration among SETU Carlow, SETU Waterford and IIT Madras, India.
Role: Supervisor (PhD) - South East Technological University Carlow Campus, Research Connexions 2024 (Value: €4000 for open access publication & conference visit)
Role: PI - South East Technological University Carlow Campus, Research Connexions 2023 (Value: €8000 for Strategic Research Equipment Fund)
Role: PI - South East Technological University, HEA- RFAM Funding (Value: €10000 for 2 months)
Title: Purchase Low-pressure Coldspray System
Role: PI
Engagement and Collaboration
Professional Societies:
Senior Member, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
Member, Royal Aeronautical Society (MRAeS)
Member, Interstellar Research Group (IRG)
Member, International Shock Wave Institute
Member, The Combustion Institute, Irish Section.
Member, European Aeronautics Science Network (EASN) Association.
Member, Cold spray Club, run by School of Mined in Paris.
Member, COST Action CA20127 - Waste biorefinery technologies for accelerating sustainable energy processes
Administrative Activities:
Represented SETU Carlow at SEE Space Network among SETU & MTU.
Working Group Member, Technological University (TUSEI) for Research Impact, 2020-2021
Member Health and Safety Committee at Faculty of Engineering, SETU Carlow
- Amit Kumar Sharma, PhD. Candidate (2021 - 2025) Modelling & Development of Cold Spray for Additive Manufacturing (CSAM) with non-conventional Nozzles
Research Area: Gas dynamics, Materials, Coldspray Manufacturing
Collaborators: Dr Dean Callaghan (SETU Carlow), Dr Ramesh Raghavendra (SEAM, SETU Waterford), Prof. M. Kamaraj (IIT Madras, INDIA), Prof. S Bakshi (IIT Madras, INDIA)
Funding: South-East Research Development (SERD) Scholarship Funds 2021 - Dylan Edirisinghe, PhD. Candidate (2022 - 2025)
Title: Mitigation Strategies for wind turbine erosion based on climate data and uncertainty quantification methods
Research Area: Rain droplet Erosion Modelling, Uncertainty Quantification
Collaborators: Dr Edmond Tobin, Dr Lilibeth Zambrano and Dr Dave Culliton (SETU Carlow)
Funding: Project SPOTBlade, SEAI RD&D Funding Programme 2021 - Samanyu Raina, PhD. Candidate (2022 - 2026)
Title: Characterizing the Supersonic Micro-Nozzle Designs for Cold-Spray Applications
Research Area: Micro-fabrication, Coldspray Manufacturing
Collaborators: Dr Andrew Murphy (SETU Carlow), Dr Ramesh Raghavendra (SEAM, SETU Waterford), Dr R. N. Raoelison (UTBM, France)
Funding: SETU President Research Funds 2022 - Nishita Ravuri, Research Masters (2022-24)
Title: Design & Applications of Air-breathing Propulsion System for Very Low and Super Low Earth Orbit Satellites
Research Area: Space Propulsion, Satellite Design, Rarefied Gas Dynamics
Collaborators: Dr Stephen Scully (SETU Carlow)
Funding: IRC GOI – Postgraduate Scholarship 2021 - Rushikesh Kore, Research Masters (2022-24)
Title: Green Propellant for future small satellite launch vehicle
Research Area: Rocket Propulsion, Green Propellants, Chemistry Modelling
Funding: IRC GOI – Postgraduate Scholarship 2021 - Dinesh Kumar Bajaj: Co-Supervisor (2022-26)
Title: Design and Investigation of solid-fueled Dual Combustor Scramjet Operations.
Research Area: Solid-fuel, supersonic combustion, Hypersonic Transport
Collaborators: Dr Devabrata Sahoo (MIT SOE, Pune, INDIA, Main Supervisor)
- Two M. Eng. Student from Defence Forces: Academic Co-Supervisor (2023-2024) Master of Science in Military Engineering Management programme. Research Area: Environmental Impact in Grenade Range and Water leakage in Distribution Network
- One M. Eng. Student from Defence Forces: Academic Co-Supervisor (2021) Master of Engineering in Communications and Information Services Research Area: Communication Systems in CIS Corps
- Three M. Eng. Students from Defence Forces: Academic Co-Supervisor (2021) Master of Engineering in Ordnance, Munitions and Explosives Engineering Research Area: Modelling, Simulations and Experiments for Explosive Disposal
- Fifteen 4th year UG Students: Supervisor (2020-2024)
Research Areas: Coldspray, Hydrogen-Blends in Natural Gas, Oblique Detonation Wave Simulation, Shock-tube development, CFD for drag reduction.
Areas of Interest for future supervisory role
- Energy Systems, Fluid-Thermodynamics
- High-speed Flows, Shockwaves (Experiments and Numerical)
- Combustion / Detonation (Experimental and Numerical)
- Fuel-Flexibility, Fuel Blending, Alternative Fuels: Hydrogen, Ammonia, Biofuels
- Cold Spray Applications: Material, Coating, Bio-medical Applications
Doctoral: Ashish Vashishtha, “Bow-Shock Instability and its Control in front of Concave shaped Blunt Nose at Hypersonic Mach No. 7", under supervision of Prof. Kojiro Suzuki, Department of Advanced Energy, The University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, JAPAN (September, 2016), U-Tokyo Repository, Thesis Number: 12601 A No. 33230 DOI:doi.org/10.15083/00075323
Masters: Ashish Vashishtha, “Experimental Investigation of Drag Reduction using Breathing Blunt Nose in Supersonic Flow Regime" , under supervision of Prof. E. Rathakrishnan, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, INDIA (May, 2008). DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.10360.26882
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
- Sharma A.K., Vashishtha A., Callaghan D., Bakshi S.R., Kamaraj M. and Raghavendra R., “CFD Investigation of a Co-Flow Nozzle for Cold Spray Additive Manufacturing Applications”, Journal of Thermal Spray Technologies, DOI: 10.1007/s11666-024-01764-w
- Vashishtha A., Panigrahy S., Campi D., Callaghan D., Nolan C. and Deiterding R. “Oblique Detonation Wave Transition with Hydrogen Peroxide and Ozone Sensitization in Hypersonic Flow", Energies 2022, 15, 4140. DOI: 10.3390/en15114140
- Vashishtha A., Callaghan D. Nolan C. Deiterding R., “Numerical Investigation of Detonation Wave Propagation through Small Orifice Holes'', Transactions on Aerospace Research, 3(264), pp.17-33, 2021. DOI: 10.2478/tar-2021-0014
- Samara, M., Vashishtha, A., Watanabe, Y., Suzuki, K.," Flow-Field and Performance Study of Coaxial Supersonic Nozzles Operating in Hypersonic Environment", International Review of Aerospace Engineering (IREASE), Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 25-39 (2020). DOI: 10.15866/irease.v13i1.18282
- Vashishtha A., “Book Review: Applied Gas Dynamics", AIAA Journal, Vol. 58, No. 3, pp. 1421-1422 (2020/03) DOI: 10.2514/1.J059266
- Vashishtha A., Watanabe Y., Suzuki K., “Bow-Shock Instability and its Control in front of Hemispherical Concave Shell at Hypersonic Mach Number 7", Transactions of The Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Aerospace Technology Japan, Vol. 14, No. 30, pp 121-128 (2016). DOI: 10.2322/tastj.14.Pe_121
- Vashishtha A., Watanabe Y. Suzuki K., “Study of Shock Shape in front of Concave, Convex and Flat Arc in Hypersonic Flow", JAXA Special Publications Vol. 14 No.10 (JAXA-SP-14-010), pp. 127-132 (2015). Link
- Vashishtha A., Rathakrishnan E., “Breathing Blunt Nose Concept for Drag Reduction in Supersonic Flow", Journal of Aerospace Engineering IMECH E Part G, Vol. 223, No.1 pp.31-38 (2009). DOI:10.1243/09544100JAERO369
- Sharma H., Vashishtha A., Rathakrishnan E., “Experimental Study of Overexpanded Co-flowing Jets", The Aeronautical Journal, Royal Aeronautical Society, Vol. 112, No. 1135 pp.537 - 546 (2008). DOI:10.1017/S0001924000002499
- Sharma H., Vashishtha A., Rathakrishnan E., “Twin Vortex Flow Physics", Journal of Aerospace Engineering IMECH E Part G, Vol. 222, No.6, pp. 783-788 (2008) DOI: 10.1243/09544100JAERO322
Conference Proceedings and Papers
- Dylan S. Edirisinghe, Lilibeth A. Zambrano M., Edmond Tobin, Ashish Vashishtha, "CFD analysis of droplet impact pressure for prediction of rain erosion of wind turbine blades", EERA DeepWind Conference 2024, Journal of Physics: Conference Series: Vol 2875, No. 012019 doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/2875/1/012019
- Vashishtha A., Dias S.M., Palateerdham S.K., Nolan C., Ingenito A., "Numerical investigation of non-premixed oblique detonation operations in scramjet combustor", presented at 8th International Conference on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows, Firenze Italy, September 23-25, 2024. handle: 20.500.12065/4835
- Vashishtha A., Kore R., Palateerdham S.K., Ingenito A., “Numerical Study of Hydrogen Injection to initiate Oblique Detonation Wave”, presented at The 3rd International Conference on High-Speed Vehicle Science and Technology, April 14-19, 2024 Busan, Korea, handle: 20.500.12065/4814
- Bajaj D.K., Kandula K.R., Kansara S., Vashishtha A., Sahoo D., “Enhancement of the Scramjet Inlet Efficiency with Bleed Integration using CFD”, IAES-2024-25, in proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Aerospace and Energy Systems, April 04-06, 2024, ISRO, Thiruvananthapuram, India
- Bajaj D.K., Kandula K.R., Kansara S., Vashishtha A., Sahoo D., “Effect of first ramp angle of a Cavity on the performance of a standard DLR based scramjet combustor”, IAES-2024-31, in proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Aerospace and Energy Systems April 04-06, 2024, ISRO, Thiruvananthapuram, India.
- Kore R. U., Kumar N., Vashishtha A., “Studying the Influence of Aluminium in ADN/HTPB based Solid Propellants,” AIAA 2024-1818. AIAA Sci-Tech 2024 Forum. January 2024. DOI: 10.2514/6.2024-1818
- Ravuri N., Vashishtha A. and Scully S., “Numerical Studies of Ram-Air Intake for near Earth Satellites,” AIAA 2024-2862. AIAA Sci-Tech 2024 Forum. January 2024, DOI: 10.2514/6.2024-2862
- Nam N.H., Vashishtha A., Neves A.C., Bay T. V, “Most-common Agricultural Residues in Vietnam and Ireland: Characterization serving for energy Purpose”, Journal of Science & Technology, Vol. 59 No. 6C, pp. 85-90 DOI: 10.57001/huih5804.2023.257
- Palateerdham S.K., Phaneendra Peri L.N., Ingenito A., Vashishtha A.,“Numerical investigation of the impact of injectors location on fuel mixing in the HIFiRE 2 Scramjet combustor”, in proceedings Aerospace Europe 2023 Conference Joint 10th EUCASS - 9th CEAS Conference, Lausanne, July 09-13, 2023, DOI:10.13009/eucass2023-866
- Sharma AK, Vashishtha A, Callaghan D, Bakshi S, Kamaraj M, Raghavendra R., “Investigation of a Modified Circular Nozzle for Cold Spray Applications”, Paper No: itsc2023p0235, pp. 235-241, Proceedings of International Thermal Spray Conference, May 22-25, 2023, Quebec, Canada. DOI:10.31399/asm.cp.itsc2023p0235
- Ravuri N., Scully S., Vashishtha A.,“Unsteady DSMC Simulation of Blunt Nose with spike at Hypersonic Rarefied Flows”, in proceedings of 57th Edition of the 3AF International Conference on Applied Aerodynamic, Bordeaux, 29th - 31st March 2023. handle: 20.500.12065/4537
- Kore R., Vashishtha A.,“Numerical Study of Oblique Detonation Wave Control with Fuel Blends”, in proceedings of 57th Edition of the 3AF International Conference on Applied Aerodynamic, Bordeaux, 29th - 31st March 2023. handle: 20.500.12065/4538
- Vashishtha A. and Khurana S., “Mach number Dependence of Flow Instability around a Spiked Body”, AIP Conference Proceedings 5 May 2023; 2584 (1): 020007. DOI:10.1063/5.0127721
- Samuel Y.A., Confrey T., Vashishtha A., Callaghan D., and, Nolan C., “An Assessment of Radiation Models Utilized in CFD for Thermal and Fluid Analysis in Interior Building Spaces with Large Glazing”, AIP Conference Proceedings 5 May 2023; 2584 (1): 050002. DOI: 10.1063/5.0127842
- Salunke S., Shinde S., Singh I., Sahoo D. and Vashishtha A.,“Detached Eddy Simulation of Unsteady Flow over a Frontal Cavity”, AIAA 2023-0997, AIAA SciTech, 23-27 Jan. 2023, National Harbour USA. DOI:10.2514/6.2023-0997
- Sharma A.K., Vashishtha A., Callaghan D., Nolan C., Bakshi S., Kamaraj M., and Ramesh R., “Particle acceleration through coaxial co-ow nozzles for Cold Spray Applications", in Proceedings of ITSC 2022, Thermal Spray Conference and Exposition Paper No: itsc2022p0676, pp. 676-682; DOI: 10.31399/asm.cp.itsc2022p0676
- Deshmukh J., Sahoo D., Kumar D., and Vashishtha A., “Unsteady simulation of frontal cavity in supersonic flows" , Book Chapter, Aerospace and Associated Technology, Proceedings of the Joint Conference of ICTACEM 2021, APCATS 2021, AJSAE 2021 and AeSI 2021, Taylor & Francis, Ch 4, pp. 19-24, DOI: 10.1201/9781003324539-4
- Vashishtha A., Callaghan D., Nolan C., and Khurana S., “Effects of Freestream Disturbances in front of Spiked Blunt Nose at Hypersonic Flow”, in proceedings Aerospace Europe Conference, Nov 23-26, 2021 Warsaw, Poland. handle/20.500.12065/4391
- Vashishtha A., Callaghan D., and Nolan C., “Numerical study of an Aerospike Nozzle in Retropropulsion”, in proceedings Aerospace Europe Conference, Nov 23-26, 2021 Warsaw, Poland. handle/20.500.12065/4390
- Harmon P., Vashishtha A., Callaghan D., Nolan C. and Deiterding R., "Study of Direct gas Injection into Stagnation Zone of Blunt nose at Hypersonic Flow'', AIAA-2021-3529, AIAA Propulsion & Energy, Aug 9-11, 2021, Colorado, USA DOI:10.2514/6.2021-3529
- Vashishtha A. and Khurana S., "Novel Mechanism of Instability Control using Tapered Spike in Hypersonic Flow'', AIAA-2021-2543, AIAA Aviation, August 02-06, 2021, Washington D.C., USA DOI:10.2514/6.2021-2543
- Vashishtha A., and Khurana S., “Pulsating Flow Investigation for Spiked Blunt-Nose Body in Hypersonic Flow and its Control ", presented at AIAA SciTech 2021, AIAA-2021-0839 (2021).DOI:10.2514/6.2021-0839
- Vashishtha A., Yousefian S., Goldin G., Frojd K., Jella S., Bourque G., Monaghan RDF, “CFD-CRN Study of NOx formation in a High-Pressure Combustor fired with Lean Premixed CH4 / H2 -Air Mixtures", GT2020-14819 in Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2020 Virtual Conference (2021) DOI:10.1115/GT2020-14819.
- Vashishtha A., Callaghan D., and Nolan C., “Drag Control by Hydrogen Injection in Shocked Stagnation Zone of Blunt Nose" , in IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 1024 012110. DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/1024/1/012110
- Vashishtha A. and Khurana S., “On Unsteady Flow Analysis of a Round Spike Blunt-Nose Afterbody in Mach 6 Flow", in in IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1024 012017 (2021). DOI:10.1088/1757-899X/1024/1/012017
- Chaubdar P., AB Harichandan, Vashishtha A., Jagadeesh G., “Experimental and Numerical Studies of Shock-Interaction using Toroidal Ballute in Hypersonic Shock Tunnel", in proceedings of 6th National Symposium on Shock Waves, IIT Madras, INDIA, February 26-28, 2020. ResearchGate Link
- Snehal U.M., Vashishtha A., Jagadeesh G., “Experimental Study of Shock Instabilities over Spiked body in presence of Frontal Concave Cavity at Hypersonics", in Proceedings of 32nd International Symposium on Shock Waves, NUS, Singapore July. 14-19, 2019. DOI:10.3850/978-981-11-2730-4_0400-cd
- Vashishtha A., Srisha Rao M.V., “Numerical Study of Detonation Driven Miniature Shock Tubes using OpenFoam", in Proceedings of 5th National Symposium on Shock Waves, Feb. 25 - Feb. 28, 2018 at TBRL, Chandigarh, INDIA. ResearchGate Link
- Vashishtha A., Watanabe Y., Suzuki K., “Study of Bow-Shock Instability in front of Hemispherical Shell at Hypersonic Mach Number 7", presented at 45th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, AIAA-2015-2638. DOI: 10.2514/6.2015-2638
- Vashishtha A., Rathinam B., Delahaye L., Ravet F., Justet F., “Study of Intake Ports Design for Ultra Low Cost (ULC) Gasoline Engine using STAR-CD", SAE Tech. Paper 2012-01-0407. DOI: 10.4271/2012-01-0407
- Yedlapalli S., Vashishtha A., and Rathakrishnan E., “Base Pressure Control by using Ribs in Subsonic and Sonic Suddenly Expanded Flows", published in Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Experimental Fluid Mechanics (RAEFM), March 2008, KLCE, Vijaywada (A.P.). ResearchGate Link
- Sharma H., Vashishtha A., Lovaraju P., Rathakrishnan E., “Characteristics of sonic and supersonic co-flowing jets", published in Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Experimental Fluid Mechanics (RAEFM), March 2008, KLCE, Vijaywada (A.P.). ResearchGate Link
- Sharma H., Vashishtha A., Lovaraju P., Rathakrishnan E., “Effect of co-axial jet on the supersonic core of a Mach 2 jet", published in Proceedings of 34th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, FMFP 2007, BIT Mesra (Jharkhand). ResearchGate Link
- Jain S., K. Sumeet, Sandeep MGR, Vashishtha A., Lovaraju P. and Rathakrishnan E., “Experimental Studies on High-Speed co-owing Jets", published in Proceedings of 34th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, FMFP 2007, BIT Mesra (Jharkhand). ResearchGate Link
- Sharma H., Vashishtha A. and Rathakrishnan E., “Twin Vortex Flow Physics", published in Proceedings of 9th International Symposium on Fluid Control Measurement and Visualization, FLUCOME 2007, Tallahase, Florida, USA. ISBN: 978-1-61567-624-8
Other Conference Presentations
- Vashishtha A., Edirisinghe D.S., Zambrano M. L.A, and Tobin E., “Uncertainty Quantification Framework for Rain Erosion Modelling”, presented at 5th International Symposium on Leading Edge Erosion of Wind Turbine Blades, Feb 06-08, 2024, DTU Denmark
- Kore R., Vashishtha A., “Numerical investigation of metallic fuel addition to Ammonium Dinitramide green propellant”, presented at 13th EASN International Conference on ”Innovation in Aviation & Space for opening New Horizons”, Salerno, Italy, Sept. 05-08 2023
- Vashishtha A., Watanabe Y., Suzuki K. ,“Effect of Angle of Attack on Bow-shock Instabilities in front of Hemispherical Cavity in Hypersonic Flows”,presented at Aerothermodynamic and Design for Demise (ATD3) Workshop, Bordeaux, France, Oct 27-28, 2022.
- Murray D., Vashishtha A., Lenihan D., Callaghan D., and Nolan C., “Initiation of Sympathetic Detonation between two Separated PETN charges" , presented at International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (ICDERS 2022) Naples, Italy 19th - 24th June 2022.
- Vashishtha A., Raoelison R.N., Deng S., Callaghan D., Nolan C. and Ramesh R., “Powder deposition by Sub-millimeter Cold-spray Micro-Nozzles", presented at 10th RIPT Les Rencontres Internationales de laProjection Thermique, 1st - 3rd June 2022.
- Vashishtha A. Ahmed M., Neves A.C., Casey B., Mitchell K., Connolly D., Shanley A., Monaghan R.F.D., “Numerical Investigation of Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine powered by Syngas from Waste Gasification" , presented at Low Carbon Combustion Meeting April 05-06, 2022, Cambridge, UK.