‘Eco-Innovation’ is a term commonly used to describe new products, technologies, services and processes that contribute to sustainable development. With vast commercial potential, Eco-Innovation is identified by SETU Waterford as a key research Centre of Excellence (CoE), characterised by international reputation, strong links with industry & the international academic community, and is prioritised for development under the SETU Waterford Strategic Plan 2007-2010. These strategies support the creation of a knowledge society by establishing sustainable centres of research, development and innovation which are world leaders, capable of attracting resources and investment from the national and international arena.
Research activities at the Eco-Innovation Research Centre (EIRC) focus on the innovative development of ‘high value-added technologies/products/processes from natural resources’ and ‘low environmental impact processing/growth methods’. Sustainable solutions for the future development of industries such as the marine, agriculture and forestry sectors, and ‘green’ chemistry for pharmaceutical synthesis, require a collaborative approach. Eco-Innovation Research at SETU Waterford is supported across a broad range of disciplines:
Dr. Nick Mc Carthy is the Principle Investigator of the Eco-Innovation Research Centre (EIRC). His research area of expertise is in forest protection and silviculture with which he works very closely with among others the Forest Service, Coillte, INRA France and the British Forestry Commission.
He has worked over the past 10 years trying to publicise the problems facing Irish forests from invasive pests and diseases and investigating new ways of detecting and identifying these threats early.