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Every year SETU Law students are selected for work experience at the Property Registration Authority on the basis of academic merit by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities.

"I thoroughly enjoyed my time at the PRAI and would like to thank all the staff who were so helpful and accommodating." SETU Student, Stephen Belton

Stephen Belton (LL.B Law Year 3) is one of four undergraduate law students from South East Technological University (SETU) who were selected on academic merit to complete a two-week summer work placement at the Property Registration Authority of Ireland in Waterford.

How it was of benefit

Throughout the my placement I visited multiple departments within the PRAI and got a good insight into how the building operates on a day-to-day basis. I got valuable experience working in each of these departments such as the post room, spatial information unit and data entry and by the end of the placement, I found myself getting into routine.

I also had a chance to speak with the legal department and they were very informative about the various legal issues which the PRAI has to deal with, every week. After the two weeks, I had a much better knowledge of the professional working environment outside of college.

I thoroughly enjoyed my time at the PRAI and would like to thank all the staff who were so helpful and accommodating.