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South East Technological University (SETU) hosted an Autism Awareness event at its Carlow campus in recognition of April as global Autism Awareness and Acceptance month.

Autism Awareness and Acceptance month is celebrated globally and aims to empower everyone in the autism community to live fully. Autism understanding and awareness is so important in creating a world where everyone in the community is connected to the support they need, when they need it.

The SENCO Sensory Express

As part of the event, the SENCO Sensory Express bus arrived on campus for people to experience. The bus is a wheelchair-accessible sensory room on wheels equipped with the latest sensory products. The Sensory Express sheds light on the importance of creating sensory spaces for autistic people where they can relax or have some downtime. 

Event organiser, Elaine Weldonberry, Educational Support and Inclusivity Coordinator at SETU, whose role is to support autistic students at the university, commented on the initiative, “Today’s event is so important in acknowledging neurodivergence among SETU students and the community at large. It serves to enhance understanding among the wider university community and to create an adaptive environment for autistic students to have a more positive learning experience.”

Elaine continued, “I want to thank staff and students for supporting our event. We had a such a large turn out and everyone was excited and interested to learn more about Autism and how they can support and get involved. It was amazing to see the staff in the gym, the ladies in reception, and in the cafes and canteens wearing blue to support the day also! Additional thanks to the SATLE project and PATH 4 for funding.”