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The Student Assistance Fund (SAF) provides financial support to full or part-time students who are experiencing financial difficulties while attending college. Students can apply for the Student Assistance Fund to help with either temporary or ongoing financial difficulties. The Student Assistance Fund is designed to provide a source of financial support in addition to a SUSI grant, Social Welfare, or part time work. The SAF can offer help with college-related expenses such as rent, transport, childcare, books, and class materials, but cannot assist with tuition or registration fees.

It is a means-tested fund, with individual circumstances and financial means taken into consideration when assessing applications to the Student Assistance Fund. Funding amounts allocated vary and are determined by each applicants’ income, college costs and available funding. The SAF opens for applications at several stages throughout the academic year, and all communication, correspondence and information on opening and closing dates for the Student Assistance Fund is through your student email account.