Kilkenny Road
- Level Level 8
- Duration 1 Year
- Delivery Part-time
- Fees View details
- Application Status Closed
- Next Intake September 2025
This Higher Diploma in InternationalFinancial Services is designed toprovide participants with specificknowledge of fund administration,project management, data analysisand reporting within the financialsector. It will give participants thetools they need to understand thefundamentals of this internationalindustry and the various roles thatoffer employment within it. Thisprogramme is designed to appeal tothose who are looking to re-skill orup-skill to gain employment in theInternational Financial Services Sector.
The applied nature of this programmeis reflected in the combinationof project management and dataanalysis alongside accounting andadministration modules which focuson developing the students knowledgeof the International Financial ServicesSector, fund management and all theregulatory requirements nationally,at EU level and at international levels.
All participants will improve theirknowledge, numeracy skills, IT skillsand commercial awareness of theindustry.
What will I be able to do when I finish the programme?
On completion of this programme, students will have knowledge and understanding of the international financialservices industry. The programme will also develop their intellectual and practical skills via the analysis and evaluation of funds administration, project management, data analytics and compliance.
What subjects will I study ?
- Mutual Fund Accounting
- AIF Fund Accounting
- Legal and Regulatory Aspects of Financial Services
- Project Management and Communications
- Data Analysis and Risk
- Industry Based Research Project
Exam Information
Modules completed in Term 1 will,where applicable, be examined in earlyDecember 2022. Modules completedin Term 2 will, where applicable, beexamined in May 2023.
Entry Requirements
Applicants require an NFQ Level 7 or 8 Award, or equivalent, for entry to this programme. Other applicants will be considered on an individual basis in accordance with the University policy on Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). SETU Carlow reserves the right to require applicants to attend for interview to determine their suitability for the programme.
Study & Career Opportunities
This programme will give graduates the basis and maturity to proceed to the Master of Business or other masters course related to the Financial Services Sector, depending on their general business experience.