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I am currently Project Lead for the HCI Pillar III funded GROWTHhub project at SETU.  GROWTHhub aims to encourage students entrepreneurial potential by running a range of events on campus. This includes advice and mentoring clinics, ideation workshops, bootcamps, student enterprise programmes and guest speaker events. 

I have over 20 years experience lecturering in entrepreneurship and management on a variety of undergraduate and postgraduate business programmes in the School of Business. My particular area of expertise is entrepreneurship and I was awarded an NCGE Entrepreneurship Education Fellowship in 2010 in recognition of the demonstrated capacity to transfer entrepreneurial learning into innovative programme development. 

I am currently research active in the area of entrepreneurship education and with a particular focus on creativity and opportunity recognition and student entrepreneurial identity. I was awarded a PhD from the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, an MBA from Edinburgh University and both a Higher Diploma in Education and Bachelor of Commerce Degree from University of Galway.    

Expereinced in the design and delivery of cross-curricular GROWTHhub enterprise and ideation workshops both within and beyond the curriculum.

Reputed for employing innovative experential pedagoies to engage students in entrepreneurial learning.

Expertise in the delivery and research of entrepreneurship education pedgagogy. 

Extensive experience lecturing in entrepreneurship, with a particular focus on entrepreneurial mindset development on both business certificate and degree programmes.

Experienced mentor for potential student entrepreneurs in the development of their business ideas as GROWTHhub Project Lead.

Lectured Management and Corporate Strategy, at various stages throughout the level 8 Bachelor of Business programme.

Track record of delivering workshops to start-up entrepreneurs on a variety of programmes such as Artisan Enterprise, Post Graduate Diploma in Enterprise and enterprise development programmes.

Co-facilitated the Share and Learn Entrepreneurship Education Symposium under the GROWTHhub project, in conjunction with the ECSB in 2021 and 2022.

Secured HCI Pillar III Funding for GROWTHhub, in collaboration with TU Dublin in 2020.

Supervises PhD, DBA and taught masters students in the development and completion of their dissertations.

Completed PhD research into Creative Opportunity Recognition in conjunction with The University of Wales, Trinity Saint David in 2017. This research sought to understand how enterprise lecturers can develop opportunity recognition competencies in students.

Codirector of the Doctoral Consortium for the Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC) hosted by WIT in June 2018. 

Secured funding under INTERREG IIIA for Female Entrepreneurship Ireland and Wales (FEIW) Project in 2005.

Ran the FEIW Enterprise Development (Pilot) programme at WIT for women who had growth ambitions for their businesses from September 2006 to August 2007.

Organised two international conferences on Female Entrepreneurship, targeted at academics, support agencies and female entrepreneurs in Ireland.


Tynan, M. 2023 'The creative catalyst: Developing student competency in opportunity recognition', Industry and Higher Education, Vol. 37(4).

Tynan, M., Penaluna, A. and Venus, J. 2015  ‘Moving Beyond Design Thinking? Opportunities in Enterprise Education’, ISBE conference, Glasgow.

Tynan, M., Penaluna, A. and Venus, J. 2014 ‘Creative Opportunity Recognition for Sustainable Enterprise: Are More Heads Better Than One?’,  ICSB Dublin.

Tynan, M., O'Gorman, B and Fuller-Love, N.. 2008. Developing Enterprise Training for Women Entrepreneurs, Walsh Print, Waterford.     

Tynan, M., O'Gorman, B. and Durand, M. 2007. ‘A FEIW Lessons Learned - Reflections on a women only training programme’, Institute for Small Business and Enterprise Conference, November 2007.

Tynan, M., Aylward, E., O'Gorman, B., Sinnott, E. and Durand, M. 2006. ‘Women in business - exploding some myths about entrepreneurship education for female entrepreneurs’, EISB, Southampton, September 2006.

Tynan, M. (2005) ‘Female Entrepreneurship - The Case of Ireland’, Irish Academy of Management, GMIT, Sept. 2005.

Prior to lecturing at South East Technological University, I worked in industry for over ten years.  This included three years as a self employed business consultant focusing on business improvement projects in the area of organisation change, structural design, business process improvement and customer care. Prior to self- employment, I worked as a business consultant in the UK from where I gained experience of implementing change programmes in the Airline, Financial Services, Healthcare, Utility and Oil and Gas industries. In my formative years I grew up and worked in a family business from which my interest in entrepreneurship grew.