Research Interests
IT Engineer for 8 years for Respond! including 1 year in South Africa. Seconded to Security dept for 2 years as head of security. Operations manager for for 12 years. Initial research conducted was ‘A Study of ICT for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities’ which was an application device mirroring existing paper based learning modules in use for adults with intellectual disabilities in a more interactive and responsive platform. Newer research includes augmented reality as a companion tool for adults with intellectual disabilities. This software would guide the user through various tasks using gps to identify where the user is and where the user intends to go to. The software will identify location and task specific information. IE: If the task was to purchase a cup of coffee, when the user reached the coffee bay the system will inform the user how much the cup of coffee is and may show them the exact coins with which to pay for.
Engagement and Collaboration
Involved with the Enterprise & Research Incubation Campus (ERIC) in a number of projects. One involving mental health, one involving engineering practices in a local suburb. In all projects my role is in an IT advisory one.